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Thread: Need some C&C on B&W Florals

  1. #21

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    Re: Need some C&C on B&W Florals

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Humphries View Post
    Yes, I can (but you knew I'd say that), sorry.
    Thanks Dave, No apology necessary for being honest. I need to know these things.

    Obviously my monitor at home must be too dark. I will have to go through the whole calibration thing again. I thought I had it right, but I will admit I don't check on a regular basis. I know with this shot the seam does not show up at all on my home monitor, but at work it was like day and night.

    I would have expected my monitor at home to be more accurate than the tiny inexpensive uncalibrated monitor at work, but who knows. I'll go through the calibration here again. I can't get it to show up by adjusting contrast and brightness. Maybe it's time to get that spyder thing.

    Thanks again
    Last edited by ScoutR; 4th August 2010 at 03:57 AM. Reason: correct spelling

  2. #22

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    I just want to thank everyone for the comments, tips and feedback given in this thread. I will keep all the comments in mind and try to think and see in B&W for some future floral shots.

    Thanks again, I really appreciate the constructive criticism and encouragement

  3. #23
    Klickit's Avatar
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    Re: Need some C&C on B&W Florals

    Quote Originally Posted by ScoutR View Post
    fanciful, yes, but I knew there was something going on between these 2

    I viewed this last night on the monitor at work, and the top right corner very clearly showed a light grey diagonal top right. I've adjusted contrast and brightness here at home and I cannot duplicate it. Can anyone else see the light grey triangle top right. It's from the skewing, but I thought I had it blackened to match the rest of the shot.
    Funny, but now that you mention it, I can. It musta been there yesterday too, but I was so busy ogling the flower lurve that I didn't see it.

  4. #24
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Thanks

    Hi Wendy,

    If you're going to fill a large area like that (rather than clone from adjacent pixels), if you sample from near the edge, it should be a lot less visible.

    For this particular image, I'm not sure which bit you sampled on, but the shade is quite different, especially on the left hand side.
    If you re-sample towards left, where the real image is quite consistent and black, and fill again, it shouldn't show as much, then clone and blur over the edge line. That still may leave it loooking obvious on the right, where the image background is mottled, so that will need cloning across, with a fade out to the background colour.

    It may well be more visible on a mis-adjusted monitor of course. It is visible on my (new) home one, which I recently set brightness and contrast by eye using the Shadow Detail and Highlight Detail panels on this tutorial; Monitor calibration for Photography.

    The join is more visible on my work laptop screen too

    Hope that helps,
    Last edited by Dave Humphries; 4th August 2010 at 11:20 AM.

  5. #25

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    Re: Thanks

    Thanks Dave and Kit. I've recalibrated my monitor. It was a bit dark but not much. I can now see the problem here at the forum on my home screen, but I cannot see it in Lightroom or in Elements. The background looks completly black.

    Dave: I will redo it with your suggestions. All I did the first time was fill it in with the paint bucket with what I thought was black. I will try cloning and see what happens. It will be hard to tell though. I don't know why but it shows black here even if I brighten up the monitor and adjust contrast to extremes. weird.

    Thanks again for pointing it out though, I will have to find a way to monitor this. I'm sure it is affecting more than just this shot.


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