Untitled by Sharon Reid, on Flickr
All and any comment welcome.
Untitled by Sharon Reid, on Flickr
All and any comment welcome.
Nice scene, nicely seen.
the only thing missing is the ubiquitous cell phone.
Thanks John and Brian.
Yes, it struck me as a rather sad scene. The body language says it all..even ( maybe especially!) the wee lad's.
That is not the type of image I was expecting while I clicked; that does not mean it is not good.... I liked it; the only thing I found troubling is the figure on the left appears to lack her head; why it is so?
Hi Nanda.
The little kid on the left has a grey hat on and the dark hood of his coat pulled up partially over that. I can assure you that all heads were present and correct.
Ouch; you know, I thought all are the same person by multi-exposure.... I thought that was the reason for your caption too; naturally I was expecting nearly the same height for the figures on left and right, who are nearly equally distant from the viewer. Now everything is clear and I got the missed head too
Great capture of the mood. Sad scene.
As you know, I just love how you 'see' images. And you are a wonderful observer of and commentator on, humanity and the human condition.
Made me think of Beckett - is he coming?
They do seem to have spread out from a central point in different directions. Each one of them lost in their own thoughts and actions.
I like it.
Moody image Sharon
Are they together at some stage or did they just wander off there on their own? That is the question that needed to be ask when I saw this image. I like Sergio's comment - pretty much sums up what I think. Another good one, Sharon.