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Thread: Details, details

  1. #1
    ionian's Avatar
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    Details, details

    Walking around this afternoon with my camera - a dull, featureless day - I decided that the small things would be important to me, so I tried to capture the beauty of items that most would walk past without giving a second glance.

    I'm interested in feedback on how interesting I've managed to make the mundane, and for creative ideas to improve these sort of shots in the future. Any other comments are welcome of course. I'm presenting them as a series here to save bogging down the forum with multiple threads.

    1. Docked
    Details, details

    2. Creeper
    Details, details

    3. I serve no function
    Details, details

    4. Home is where the heart is
    Details, details

    5. Park bench detail
    Details, details

  2. #2
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Details, details

    The first is the best of the bunch as the color really stands out and this is what you should look for on featureless days. Creeper has some good tones to play with.

  3. #3

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    Re: Details, details

    A difficult challenge you set for yourself and you came away with a nice set.
    I especially like the first for it's nautical feel and the fifth for the detail.
    I struggle with these types of shots myself so the only advice I can give is to try different angles, perspectives, and dof.


  4. #4

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    Re: Details, details

    It's amazing how interesting things can be when one pays attention to the details that are all around us. Nice set of images. Comments as follow:
    1) Nicely composed. Might be a candidate for B/W conversion as the painted post isn't all that attractive/interesting.

    2) Interesting content and blend of colors with the ivy, moss, and lichen all together. If intended to tell part of a story maybe just a bit wider to offer more context/location.

    3) Nicely composed and executed.

    4) More like the framing I had in mind for no.1. Highlights too bright and DOF a bit too flat.

    5) Awesome detail. Again perhaps a bit wider to let the viewer know this was part of a bench.

  5. #5
    ionian's Avatar
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    Re: Details, details

    Thanks for the feedback. #1 is actually a friendship bracelet tied to a lamppost, I liked the fact that it was such a random thing and felt I could make my own narrative. On #2 I agree it needed better framing, the leaf at the bottom right should have been complete, but it was a detail in a huge patch of ivy. #5 was actually converted to a pencil drawing in Photoshop, then I blended the image back in. It really brought out the wood textures.

    #4 I should have binned, the highlights are blown. There was no rescuing it. I like the shape and form but it wasn't good execution on my part.

  6. #6
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: Details, details

    This is a nice series...I particularly prefer #1. Good composition in all.

  7. #7
    Wavelength's Avatar
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    Re: Details, details

    Awesome set of images....People travel thousands of miles to capture an image; sometimes they miss many things around them

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