Okay. First off. Confession time! I didn't take this shot. It is one of Mrs ucci's. So why am I posting her work? Well, she has this total paranoia about posting her work on line. It is a lack of self confidence thing. But sometimes she comes up with something which IMHO demands to be shared! So that's why! And I feel this is one such.
Okay. Another confession.As far as photography is concerned, with mrs ucci I have a relationship built on mistrust and personal animosity! I resent her magic eye to instantly frame shots which take me forever and a day and with which I am never as good. She brings a whole new meaning to ' just point and shoot!' Sometimes as a result I reckon I should divorce her. But then I think, why should I make her so happy?
It is not easy being married to such a talent. Husbands can be such a sorry lot! I remember a critique of a shot I posted here, of which I was fairly proud. And was promptly told to be honest. It was one, it was suggested by one cheeky person, that was actually taken taken by mrs ucci, as my photography was just not that good!
ps For those who want to know. It is a mixed mob of Cockatoos and Corella's If you peer closely enough the Corellas are the ones with the red patch around the eye.
Thanks for viewing and for any comments.
Happy and safe Easter to all.
Old ucci