Ooops, nearly forgot - OK, here are the two I found most instructive:
Blake Rudis; f64 academy: Chromatic Aberration Reduction in Photoshop = 4:12
Klaus Herrmann; Farbspiel Photography How to Remove Chromatic Aberration in Adobe Camera Raw = 18:36
The second is very worthwhile for the use of the manual controls when the automatic doesn't fix it everywhere in a shot.
I believe LR will be similar.
There are a lot of other CA fixing videos out there, but many either use bad example photos (which won't help you recognise the typical signs easily) or are dealing with a different type of CA (axial), but I don't want to bring that in here (besides, I believe the same tool will fix both simultaneously anyway).
Once you know where in PS (ACR) or LR to look, just leave it permanently checked for automatic correction on all photos.
Ditto the lens profile corrections.