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Thread: NIK collection FREE

  1. #41
    Black Pearl's Avatar
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    Re: NIK collection FREE

    Quote Originally Posted by george013 View Post
    It's a plugin, not stand alone.

    The links are from mr. Google himself. Nothing from me. When you downloaded them you have to accept them before installing.

    I don't know what your problem is.

    As I answered you befor, you don.t need a Google account.

    By stand alone I meant its not linked to a Google account and therefor you're not accepting the usual data mining etc that Google does therefor the only thing you accept is the specific licence for this specific product. You are not the price as you are not being Googled...for what of a better word.

    I don't, its you that seems to have a problem. I'm just trying to work out why you think that people who use the Nik software are somehow paying for it, we're not, this isn't standard Google software and you aren't accepting typical Google t&c's.

  2. #42

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    Re: NIK collection FREE

    Quote Originally Posted by Black Pearl View Post
    By stand alone I meant its not linked to a Google account and therefor you're not accepting the usual data mining etc that Google does therefor the only thing you accept is the specific licence for this specific product. You are not the price as you are not being Googled...for what of a better word.

    I don't, its you that seems to have a problem. I'm just trying to work out why you think that people who use the Nik software are somehow paying for it, we're not, this isn't standard Google software and you aren't accepting typical Google t&c's.
    I try once more.
    Those links are part of the acceptance screen of the NIK installer. The only thing I did, is showing what it says. If you read it.

    Google is a commercial compagny. I's core business is information. And this is a way to collect it. Google is not the only player.

    I installed the software and was able to launch the programs individual, stand alone. With 4 of them I could load an image, the others I don't know how to do that.


  3. #43
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: NIK collection FREE

    Maybe I am naive, but this seems straightforward. In the case of some of its software--e.g., gmail--Google actually has access to your data, and they tell you that they will mine it. In other cases, they don't have access to your data, but they do have access to quite a bit of information about your use of the product, and their disclaimer makes it clear that they reserve the right to do various things with that information. It seems to me that Nik is in the second category. I find that annoying and would rather pay for software and not have them mining data on my use, but I don't find it troubling enough to avoid the software. Just speaking personally, I do find the former case unacceptable, so I avoid g-mail, google+, and the like. To each his or her own.

  4. #44

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    Re: NIK collection FREE

    Quote Originally Posted by DanK View Post
    Maybe I am naive, but this seems straightforward. In the case of some of its software--e.g., gmail--Google actually has access to your data, and they tell you that they will mine it. In other cases, they don't have access to your data, but they do have access to quite a bit of information about your use of the product, and their disclaimer makes it clear that they reserve the right to do various things with that information. It seems to me that Nik is in the second category. I find that annoying and would rather pay for software and not have them mining data on my use, but I don't find it troubling enough to avoid the software. Just speaking personally, I do find the former case unacceptable, so I avoid g-mail, google+, and the like. To each his or her own.
    It is straightforward. But one shouldn't deny it.

    There is a slight difference between collectiing info through the web browser and an app installed on your pc/phone.
    The web browser has limitations that an app doesn't have. That's why your phone is full of pre-installed apps. The win 8 pc I bought was full of apps.

    Since shortly I've to except the conditions of google when I use the search engine. The first few times they let me go but after a while it's blocked. Either accept the conditions or don't use it. When clearing the cookies all starts over again. I don't know if this is Dutch, European or mondial.

    The reason why they give this software away is not to please you. It's a way to collect info. If you don't bother, ok. But just don't deny it.


  5. #45
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: NIK collection FREE

    Nik can be used as both a plug-in and stand alone version...

  6. #46
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: NIK collection FREE

    Quote Originally Posted by IzzieK View Post
    Nik can be used as both a plug-in and stand alone version...
    It can indeed. I used SEP (when they were sold by NIK as separate products) for quite a while before I sold my soul to Adobe and bought Elements, purely to act as mule to carry SEP as a plug-in.

    It does make it much easier to use AND you can buy a plug in for Elements (Elements XXL) that allows you to use the NIK programmes as Smart Filters, meaning you can go back in and edit at any time. I know that facility comes as standard on the full Photoshop product, but it does not with Elements. So, the plug-in (available at makes it possible to go to Smart Filters at a very reasonable cost.
    Last edited by Donald; 11th April 2016 at 11:13 AM.

  7. #47
    Saorsa's Avatar
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    Re: NIK collection FREE

    Quote Originally Posted by Donald View Post
    It can indeed. I used SEP (when they were sold by NIK as separate products) for quite a while before I sold my soul to Adobe and bought Elements, purely to act as mule to carry SEP as a plug-in.

    It does make it much easier to use AND you can buy a plug in for Elements (Elements XXL) that allows you to use the NIK programmes as Smart Filters, meaning you can go back in and edit at any time. I know that facility comes as standard on the full Photoshop product, but it does not with Elements. So, the plug-in (available at makes it possible to go to Smart Filters at a very reasonable cost.
    I have installed the NIK suite in my Elements plugins and they show up as such in PS elements. I can still link to them as an indoependent process from FastStone or execute them independently from the PS Elements plug in folder.

  8. #48
    Black Pearl's Avatar
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    Re: NIK collection FREE

    Quote Originally Posted by george013 View Post

    The reason why they give this software away is not to please you. It's a way to collect info. If you don't bother, ok. But just don't deny it.

    How are they collecting information through this desktop application?

    You don't have to register it so you're not inputting contact details like your name or location or its usage.
    It doesn't dial home (I have software that monitors that and it hasn't issued a warning) during use to check subscriptions etc.
    Its not web based so you could install, disconnect your computer (some people do this with photo machines) and it need never connect again to work.
    It has no web based storage or sharing facility so its not using their servers or logging info with them.

    I do get that with typical Google software you sign in and agree to them monitoring and collecting all sorts of usage data. I understand that your search history is used to target advertising for example and I get that Android is constantly feeding info back to Google on virtually ever tap of the screen but Nik isn't really Google software. Its a company they bought because they wanted Snapseed which is connected and does feed info out but they have no real interest in the Nik bit and have essentially given it away and wiped their hands of it.

    By insisting you're signing your life away to the evils of Google by installing the Nik suite you are doing nothing more than needlessly worrying potential users who are in reality perfectly safe.

  9. #49

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    Re: NIK collection FREE

    There IS a google component in the NIK install. Look for google folders in both the program files and program files x86 directories.

    After install there will also be 2 services running on the machine.

    But nothing sinister, just google checking in for updates to the software.

    I just disable both.

    NIK collection FREE

    After disabling the services, look into the Task Scheduler and delete the google tasks in there.

  10. #50
    Black Pearl's Avatar
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    Re: NIK collection FREE

    Can't see anything Google running my Activity Monitor on the Mac other than those associated with Google Chrome which the missus uses and I know the old hidden updater was removed a while ago and Google don't install it anymore. There's nothing in the application folders other than the Nik apps themselves.

  11. #51

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    Re: NIK collection FREE

    Quote Originally Posted by Bobobird View Post
    There IS a google component in the NIK install. Look for google folders in both the program files and program files x86 directories.

    After install there will also be 2 services running on the machine.

    But nothing sinister, just google checking in for updates to the software.

    I just disable both.

    NIK collection FREE

    After disabling the services, look into the Task Scheduler and delete the google tasks in there.
    May I ask you where this screen comes from? I don't know it.

    I use Zone Alarm as firewall. It keeps an eye on outgoing traffic as well as incoming traffic. Knowing what programs are trying to communicate with the internet can be useful.


  12. #52

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    Re: NIK collection FREE

    Google singled out Bobo. Who wouldn't?

  13. #53
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: NIK collection FREE

    Bobo - I did contact Google at one point regarding automated updates (and this is what these routines do). I don't like "push" software because there will always be a risk of something having unintended consequences due to a bug and I would rather wait a week or so for other people to have a problem and the vendors fix the bug before I install the patch. Unfortunately, this is not how things are done any more.

    With the number of updates I've received over the years on Nik, the bigger issue is the machine cycles the update software uses without doing anything useful.

  14. #54

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    Re: NIK collection FREE

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Buckley View Post
    Google singled out Bobo. Who wouldn't?

    I have had the NIK stuff for quite a while and the services were probably installed very early. Normally with updates I just install over the older version but Google never removed the updater. I will uninstall/reinstall and see what happens.

    Yes Manfred, the cycles though it is only a once in every 24 hours thing if I remember correctly.

    On my machines it has never been allowed to run so...

  15. #55

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    Re: NIK collection FREE

    Quote Originally Posted by george013 View Post
    May I ask you where this screen comes from? I don't know it.

    This is a partial screen cap of the services page in the computer management app.

  16. #56
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: NIK collection FREE

    Quote Originally Posted by Bobobird View Post
    On my machines it has never been allowed to run so...
    Exactly. I've disabled those services from starting up.

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