Looks good to me. Nicely captured.
It is certainly to my taste and a lovely babyPortrait shooters may notice much better than me , I think your focus are not on the eyes but on the coat. Even so it is a beautiful image Simon.
For many subjects that background would have been a disaster; but in this specific case it is actually an enhancement.
Defiantly to my taste. I love both shots.
Both well done, Simon, but I prefer the first over the second because of the closer view.
You have an adorable model and that coupled with your creativity should mean many hours of endless experimentation and fun.
For me theres just a bit too much colour in the background, draws my attention away from the subject.
Thanks Matt - do you think there is too much colour in both images, or just the second? I can see that the red halo could be distracting in image 2.
I still have what I think is the best shot from the series to process, so these have been good practices - and the feedback is very useful!
For me, Simon, the second image is OK but she seems a fraction too bright and sharp compared with the background. Looking as though she has been pasted into a different background.
Maybe a fraction of selective highlight toning down?