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Thread: Another secret from Oz

  1. #1
    ucci's Avatar
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    Another secret from Oz

    Okay good people. Time to let you in on another secret from the Land of Oz. Bet you have never stopped to wonder why a land mass the size of main land USA has less population spread over it than is contained in many large cities round the world?
    Well, we have a special secret which makes it so. It is the Bogong Moth. And they help keep our numbers down by coming in at night and culling naughty children, whom they carry off into the night to secret bush hideaways. Such little monsters are never to be seen or heard of again. As well as being an effective population control it helps to keep the rest of the little buggers in line and on their best behaviour!

    These moths are quite large, about the size of a 747, and are about in large numbers. To quote Mr Dave Humphries, " They are Force for Good." They are most effective in their role.

    Hey now hang on there just a tic. This is all as true as I am standing here! It is all ridgy didge and I am not pulling your leg or trying to have a lend of you. Would I lie to you? Hey, I am an ozzie, a true blue sort of old codger.

    So there you have it. Another of Oz's special secrets revealed by your whistleblower!

    Okay so the pix is probably a bit crappy but hopefully a few may get a bit of a smile from my silly story. After all, what is life worth if you can't have a bit of a laugh.
    Thanks for viewing and for any comments you care to share will be much appreciated.

    Another secret from Oz
    Last edited by ucci; 27th March 2016 at 10:43 AM. Reason: text addition

  2. #2

    Join Date
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    wm c boyer

    Re: Another secret from Oz

    Aah...they musta missed some at my house.

  3. #3

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    Re: Another secret from Oz

    My goodness. And here we've been taught that it's the dingoes that eat your babies

    We have our share of bugs in Alaska but they are all little guys. After all they have to live their entire life cycle in just a few weeks of summer. The size of both the bugs and reptiles are somewhat of a shock to us when we travel down under

    The cheeky birds we don't mind so much

  4. #4

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    Re: Another secret from Oz

    If you'd said it was those flying fox/bat things you have there I might have believed you

  5. #5

    Join Date
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    Re: Another secret from Oz

    I don't care what the moths do so long as they stay away from those great Aussie vineyards.

  6. #6
    Steaphany's Avatar
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    Re: Another secret from Oz

    Quote Originally Posted by ucci View Post
    ...It is the Bogong Moth. And they help keep our numbers down by coming in at night and culling naughty children
    A Bogong may just carry off children, but few outside of Australia know the real reason - Drop Bears

    Looking like the cuddley Koalla, just imagine a 15 kg, That is a small one, I've read they can grow far larger, carnivorous Drop Bear, with razor sharp teeth and claws that can easily plunge deep into a gum tree, plummeting from as high as 30 m, landing on a person. Those who suffer an instant broken neck are lucky, they are no longer conscious as they are devoured by the Drop Bear.

    Want proof, just google Drop Bear and click on images to see photos
    Last edited by Steaphany; 28th March 2016 at 10:04 PM.

  7. #7
    wilgk's Avatar
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    Re: Another secret from Oz

    Oh we do love teasing the International guests with the 'Drop Bear' stories.
    But if you think this moth story is bad - just beware the Huntsman spiders - they are HUGE!!
    I have been seen to jump from my chair onto my desk in 1 leap, to get away from one.

  8. #8

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    Re: Another secret from Oz

    Quote Originally Posted by wilgk View Post
    Oh we do love teasing the International guests with the 'Drop Bear' stories.
    But if you think this moth story is bad - just beware the Huntsman spiders - they are HUGE!!
    I have been seen to jump from my chair onto my desk in 1 leap, to get away from one.
    In between the merriment of drop bears, yowies and huntsmans that are the size of your face, you OZ peeps do actually remember to warn to tourists about real life dangers like red backs and funnel webs, right?

    Iirc, there are very few large AND medically significant spiders on the planet (Brazilian wandering spider springs to mind), but some of the little ones are pretty nasty...

    I have no great fear of spiders, I'd baulk at going any where near a huntsman though... To big and scary! But unless someone was there to advise me 'don't do that' I'd have no fear to try and catch a funnel web or red back in a glass and take it outside...
    Which is my default recation to finding a spider in Europe...

    I'm not trying to suggest that OZ is riddled with dangerous spiders, I've never visited, but had a fair few mates from OZ over the years (who've invariably not been able resist teasing about spiders) but when you drill down past the jokes, it always seems to be the brown snakes that people are most wary of...

  9. #9
    marlunn's Avatar
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    Re: Another secret from Oz

    Quote Originally Posted by Steaphany View Post
    A Bogong may just carry off children, but few outside of Australia know the real reason - Drop Bears

    Looking like the cuddley Koalla, just imagine a 15 kg, That is a small one, I've read they can grow far larger, carnivorous Drop Bear, with razor sharp teeth and claws that can easily plunge deep into a gum tree, plummeting from as high as 30 m, landing on a person. Those who suffer an instant broken neck are lucky, they are no longer conscious as they are devoured by the Drop Bear.

    Want proof, just google Drop Bear and click on images to see photos
    as noted and imortalised in Pterrys book 'The Last Continent', the only defence is a pointy hat !

  10. #10
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: Another secret from Oz

    Is this alive when you took a shot of it, Ken?

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