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Thread: Meeting of the Horizon

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    currently in Abu Dhabi

    Meeting of the Horizon

    Dear friends,

    This photo was taken while driving through the "Dead Sea" in Jordan. It was shot in a hot summer afternoon. What appeals to me is the white silvery salt deposits along the side of the lake and the wonderful navy blue sky that blends nicely between the sky and water.

    Appreciate for comments.

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  2. #2
    crisscross's Avatar
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    May 2008
    Herefordshire UK
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    Re: Meeting of the Horizon

    Quote Originally Posted by cksee View Post
    Dear friends,

    This photo was taken while driving through the "Dead Sea" in Jordan. It was shot in a hot summer afternoon. What appeals to me is the white silvery salt deposits along the side of the lake and the wonderful navy blue sky that blends nicely between the sky and water.

    Appreciate for comments.

    From the thumbnail size you have posted it looks a lovely bright pic and only comment is level the horizon before you repost at a size we can do justice to, say 1024 wide


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