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Thread: 2016 Project 52 Challenge by Geoff F - 2nd Quarter

  1. #1

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    2016 Project 52 Challenge by Geoff F - 2nd Quarter

    My images will show something of the area where I live including landscapes, people and events.
    As an added challenge this year, each photo will include a person or an animal somewhere within the overall scene, but not necessarily obviously spotted.

    I am giving this challenge the secondary title of Living with the Landscape because I am attempting to show how animals or people interact with their surroundings.

    First Quarter images are here 2016 Project 52 Challenge - 1st quarter by Geoff F

    Second Quarter already - time certainly is flying past this year.

    Week 13 - Around the Harbour Showing the wider scene. Clouds kept obscuring the sun and causing patches of shadow so I had to be patient and wait for the clear periods. But when everything came together I had some interesting skies.

    2016 Project 52 Challenge by Geoff F - 2nd Quarter

    7D with Canon 70-200 lens 1/400 F11 Iso 200. All images are a merge from two conversions of a Raw file.

    And a closer view of this scene.

    2016 Project 52 Challenge by Geoff F - 2nd Quarter

    1/320 F11 Iso 200.

    Moored Boats. Around the corner and a little further up the estuary.

    2016 Project 52 Challenge by Geoff F - 2nd Quarter

    Tamron 24-70 lens. 1/400 F11 Iso 200.

    2016 Project 52 Challenge by Geoff F - 2nd Quarter

    1/640 F11 Iso 200

    2016 Project 52 Challenge by Geoff F - 2nd Quarter

    A bit of a struggle getting people to appear in these scenes from what is a rather quiet part of the world at this time of the year.

  2. #2
    CormacD's Avatar
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    Re: 2016 Project 52 Challenge by Geoff F - 2nd Quarter

    Hi Geoff,

    I like your series for this week, in particular the first two.

    In the first two there is a good impact and perspective as the the main focal point is the bright red hulled boats. Adding to the perspective are the small boats in the foreground. I also like the shape of the shoreline where it leads the eye up onto the hill and then up the line of trees. Both good compositions from my point of view. I think the first one meets your topic much better..."Living with the Landscape' with the overall context of water, boats, people in the boats, buildings, cars, trees, green grass and hill with a bit of sky.

    I guess the estuary is in South Devon? Does it have a name?

    The three shots of the moored yachts are clearly focused and the sky is providing interest. They do not have a big impact on me as they are a little one dimensional. Bit hard to offer suggestions for improvement as I'm not there on the spot, however maybe moving around to the right on the last shot could turn the mooring jetty into a leading line onto the closest yacht as a focal point.

    Hope this feedback is of some help in the next few weeks....Lindsay

  3. #3
    Kaye Leggett's Avatar
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    Re: 2016 Project 52 Challenge by Geoff F - 2nd Quarter

    Quote Originally Posted by Geoff F View Post
    A bit of a struggle getting people to appear in these scenes from what is a rather quiet part of the world at this time of the year.
    Enjoy the quiet before the hoards arrive !!!

    I particularly like the first shot as it seems to fit your brief best, we see the whole environment, the colours are good and you managed to capture that small power boat.

  4. #4
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: 2016 Project 52 Challenge by Geoff F - 2nd Quarter

    These shots are a good start for your second quarter. I still have to edit my shots for mine for the end of March and the start of April. It will be a drag trying to keep up with my own P52, but I will manage as soon as my jet lag settles down. Thank you for the inspiration, Geoff...I am enjoying your shots, determination and persistence. It certainly keeps me busy already with learning from you.

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    joebranko's Avatar
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    Re: 2016 Project 52 Challenge by Geoff F - 2nd Quarter

    They are all nice shots Geoff. Hard to pick a 'winner' as each of them has something special. I like the colours, the sky the refractions! Great series!

  6. #6
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: 2016 Project 52 Challenge by Geoff F - 2nd Quarter

    Nice series.

  7. #7

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    Re: 2016 Project 52 Challenge by Geoff F - 2nd Quarter

    Thanks for the comments.

    A bit tricky to move to the right with the last scene, Lindsay; note the foreground of #3.

    It is the Salcombe Estuary with the town of Kingsbridge in the far distance, and to be precise, the moored boats were shot from Tosnos Point. But that won't mean anything to 99% of viewers.

    With the Fish Quay shot I deliberately zoomed out a bit to show the entire scene including the hillside

    This week, Kaye, has been enjoying the quieter time after the Easter hoardes have gone home. During that weekend I stayed at home where, being on the edge of the town, it wasn't too bad.

    Here are a few more shots from the same day. I was struggling a bit with variable lighting and awkward angles for a couple of them but if they aren't exactly prizewinners at least they will show a little more of the area.

    Firstly a slightly different angle on the moored boats.

    2016 Project 52 Challenge by Geoff F - 2nd Quarter

    The Egremont. This vessel was originally a ferry across the River Mersey but for many years it has been the headquarters of a sailing association. It is beginning to show its age now and is about to go away for a survey; so I wanted a suitable photo in case it doesn't return.

    2016 Project 52 Challenge by Geoff F - 2nd Quarter

    I have lost the people in this scene, there was a small boat with a couple of people cunningly hidden in some other shots but I preferred this angle.

    The Iverna. Another wreck. This was a gentleman's racing yacht back in the days when they raced substantial boats in great comfort. It was owned by the Jamesons Whisky family but when it came here in the 1950's it was a houseboat. Eventually it was beached for a survey and never recovered. The foreground remains are the Rose of Devon which was moored there in the 1940's after suffering some wartime damage and once again it never left the foreshore.

    2016 Project 52 Challenge by Geoff F - 2nd Quarter

    Another shot without any people but I bet there are some birds somewhere in all that foliage; and I can't change the angle; I was standing on a little bit of rock, where I shouldn't really have been at my age.

    ps. Uploading from P base seems to remove some of the Exif data but the last 3 should also contain a GPS location hidden in the Exif information.
    Last edited by Geoff F; 1st April 2016 at 06:19 PM.

  8. #8
    CormacD's Avatar
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    Re: 2016 Project 52 Challenge by Geoff F - 2nd Quarter

    Very interesting, thanks Geoff. Got a map with your location through the EXIF data. I'm a bit amazed that the old wrecks are just left there like that, although certainly adds some interest and I guess they are away from normal traffic. Good work it's almost like being there...Lindsay

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    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: 2016 Project 52 Challenge by Geoff F - 2nd Quarter

    I quite prefer the clouds here for the drama of it amongst the boat scene...The last one is very interesting. I remember asking Grahame about the abandoned boats in Fiji -- and there were lots of them there but not as old as this one you have here.

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    joebranko's Avatar
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    Re: 2016 Project 52 Challenge by Geoff F - 2nd Quarter

    Another nice series Geoff. Interesting that the wrecks are just left there. Is the Egremont the ferry from the 60's song'Ferry Cross The Mersey? 🙄

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    Re: 2016 Project 52 Challenge by Geoff F - 2nd Quarter

    Yes, Joe, that is the ferry; although there were actually two operating across the River Mersey at that time.

    Thanks for all the positive comments.

    Those wrecks plus a couple of smaller ones hidden from view, were all put there originally for repair or survey work when one of the 'legs' supporting the deep draft vessels either broke or sank into a bit of soft ground. The Iverna would probably have refloated on its own but a couple of fairly large windows had been added to the sides when it became a houseboat and the job was botched for economy, with thin glass being used.

    The glass shattered under the water pressure and the boat filled up. It could have been salvaged with some temporary repairs but the vessel had already got into a bad state of repair so the owners just walked away and nobody else wanted to accept responsibility either.

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    Re: 2016 Project 52 Challenge by Geoff F - 2nd Quarter

    Week 14 - Cuddly Lambs and Swan Porn!

    For the first image, I suppose some newspapers would go with a headline something like:

    Single Mother 64 has twins!

    2016 Project 52 Challenge by Geoff F - 2nd Quarter

    7D with Tamron 24-70 lens but somehow the Exif details appear to be missing.

    Deliberately going for that 'cuddly look' with these.

    2016 Project 52 Challenge by Geoff F - 2nd Quarter

    1/320 F11 Iso 200

    2016 Project 52 Challenge by Geoff F - 2nd Quarter

    1/500 F11 Iso 200

    And now some mating swans. I failed to get a correct angle during the foreplay. It needs to have their necks making a perfect heart to be a prizewinner. But there wasn't anything that I could do to improve the situation because they were so love struck that they ignored my directions.

    2016 Project 52 Challenge by Geoff F - 2nd Quarter

    1/1250 F11 Iso 400

    It becomes a rough business and the male grabs his partner by the neck then forces her head underwater until she gets into the correct position.

    2016 Project 52 Challenge by Geoff F - 2nd Quarter

    I would have preferred a side view for the critical shot but they were still ignoring by directions.

    2016 Project 52 Challenge by Geoff F - 2nd Quarter

    1/1600 F11 Iso 400

    Rising out of the water for a gasp of air afterwards.

    2016 Project 52 Challenge by Geoff F - 2nd Quarter

    1/1000 F11 Iso 400

    So, not exactly perfect shots but this is the first time I have tried being a porn photographer.

  13. #13
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: 2016 Project 52 Challenge by Geoff F - 2nd Quarter

    Porn Photographer???

  14. #14
    CormacD's Avatar
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    Re: 2016 Project 52 Challenge by Geoff F - 2nd Quarter

    Hi Geoff, this is a real change from last weeks series. I love the sheep series, very clear, great focus and colour. The swan series is certainly interesting, I can't give you much of a critique as I am not very experienced at this type of photography, even though I live on a canal and have regular visits from our feathered friends. Your 600 mm lens has certainly captured the action very clearly, I'm jealous. I guess if you were very lucky some eye contact from the swans would have been great, keep trying and thank you for your sense of humour....Cheers Lindsay
    Last edited by CormacD; 5th April 2016 at 07:19 AM.

  15. #15
    joebranko's Avatar
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    Re: 2016 Project 52 Challenge by Geoff F - 2nd Quarter

    Very interesting series! I guess in the swan world 'no' does not always been 'no'!

  16. #16
    Wavelength's Avatar
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    Re: 2016 Project 52 Challenge by Geoff F - 2nd Quarter

    Excellent set of images...

  17. #17

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    Re: 2016 Project 52 Challenge by Geoff F - 2nd Quarter

    Thanks for the replies.

    Week 15 and more from the bird hide.

    Another day which started bright but was clouding over by the time I reached my destination; and not a lot of bird activity. Then I noticed a perfect reflection on the marsh, so did a hasty lens change. First test shot proved what I had expected; too much exposure range for just one shot, so time for a bit of Exposure Bracketing.

    But where are the camera controls located? Think hard, you did this a couple of months ago. Yes but I have been to sleep since then! Go to the menu and eventually find the settings. Take 3 identical shots. Did you select Set? Try again. That looks hopeful but perhaps another tweak and slight composition change? By now, of course, there is half a gale blowing. Why didn't I just take my exposure bracketing shots manually with no fuss.

    Eventually the wind subsided but the light had changed and that perfect reflection had disappeared. So this is the best I could do with the first of my bracketed shots. There is a Little Egret in the scene but it is rather difficult to find.

    2016 Project 52 Challenge by Geoff F - 2nd Quarter

    7D with Tamron 24-70 lens F11. Merge of 3 exposures.

    And from the birds.

    Sandpiper riding the log.

    2016 Project 52 Challenge by Geoff F - 2nd Quarter

    Sigma 150-600 Sport lens 1/320 F8 Iso 800.

    Canada Geese not speaking. 'What's wrong?' 'Nothing!' 'Oh, I didn't realise it was that serious.'

    2016 Project 52 Challenge by Geoff F - 2nd Quarter

    1/320 F8 Iso 800

    Little Egret with a difficult meal. This bird caught a small flounder (flatfish) which was difficult to swallow so it took its catch ashore and had several attempts until the fish was eventually subdued and placed in the right position to be swallowed.

    2016 Project 52 Challenge by Geoff F - 2nd Quarter

    1/1000 F11 Iso 800.

    Pied Wagtail on a fence post. A relatively common bird but I always struggle to photograph them because they rarely stay still long enough to obtain a good focus.

    2016 Project 52 Challenge by Geoff F - 2nd Quarter

    1/500 F9 Iso 800
    Last edited by Geoff F; 10th April 2016 at 06:29 PM.

  18. #18
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: 2016 Project 52 Challenge by Geoff F - 2nd Quarter

    Nice series.

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    Re: 2016 Project 52 Challenge by Geoff F - 2nd Quarter

    Good series Geoff. It seems your bird hide is working good !!

  20. #20
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: 2016 Project 52 Challenge by Geoff F - 2nd Quarter

    Very good series, Geoff...The little egret in the first shot is somewhere in the bank, I think, left side...I like the Canada Geese's expressions, too. Hope you will get lucky these next few days for the Egret dance...

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