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Thread: What Does a Bear Think About?

  1. #21

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    Re: What Does a Bear Think About?

    Quote Originally Posted by Tronhard View Post
    ...Can you tell me where it was that you shot it, and who is the outfit that lets you shoot from a Zodiac in BC - since I live in that province...
    All of my polar bear shots were taken in Kaktovik(aka Barter Island), Alaska. The outfit that I looked into in BC is based on a sailboat and visits the Khutzeymateen Grizzly Sanctuary. They operate out of Prince Rupert. Link as follows.

  2. #22
    Wavelength's Avatar
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    Re: What Does a Bear Think About?

    A great portrait with an intense attitude of your subject...

  3. #23
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: What Does a Bear Think About?

    Trev - My wife and I were in the Khutzeymateen Grizzly Bear Sanctuary on the Sunchaser a few years ago.

    We stayed on the sailboat and headed out to see the grizzlies in a zodiac, which is where all the photos were taken. I seem to remember the trip was 3 days and two nights. We flew in to the estuary on a float plane out of Prince Rupert and sailed back. Here is their website:

    Here is a link to some of my shots from that trip (I was just getting back into serious photography and was shooting the Nikon D90 with the original Nikkor 80-400mm).

  4. #24

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    Re: What Does a Bear Think About?

    Thanks, Nandakumar.

    Manfred, you came away with some nice shots from Khutzeymateen. The shot of the CoY cub riding on the swimming mother's back is really cool. Judging by the condition of the bears I'm guessing you were there in July? I've wanted to go there for years. If the exchange rate stays favorable I may do it this year. You were shooting up to 400mm with a 1.5 crop sensor. What equivalent focal length did you find most useful? Or was it all over the board? If I do go I'd love to get away with leaving the 500 at home...

  5. #25
    Rebel's Avatar
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    Re: What Does a Bear Think About?

    Awesome as usual

  6. #26
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: What Does a Bear Think About?

    Quote Originally Posted by NorthernFocus View Post
    Manfred, you came away with some nice shots from Khutzeymateen. The shot of the CoY cub riding on the swimming mother's back is really cool. Judging by the condition of the bears I'm guessing you were there in July? I've wanted to go there for years. If the exchange rate stays favorable I may do it this year. You were shooting up to 400mm with a 1.5 crop sensor. What equivalent focal length did you find most useful? Or was it all over the board? If I do go I'd love to get away with leaving the 500 at home...
    I suspect the 500mm will be your mainstay. We got quite close at time (the mother swimming with the cubs) was shot at 200mm, most of the rest were at 400mm and I wish I had a longer lens ("dancing bears"), for instance. With the estuary being tidal, we couldn't always get as close to shore as we would have liked to at low tide.

    You are right on the timing (almost)- the trip was there was late June 2010.

    It was a great trip and I'm sure I would get even better shots it I went back now, as both the camera and lens were quite new (recently purchased) at the time. My wife shot her 18-200mm found it far too short. The next year we picked up the Sigma 150-500mm for her for our trip to Namibia (late 2011).

    Dan Wakeman (who owns / runs the Sundancer) is quite interesting to chat with as he was instrumental in the establishment of the sanctuary, so he has a lot of interesting history / stories. When we were there, he and one other boat were the only ones with permits to enter the sanctuary (needless to say, others were sneaking in illegally), but I believe there are more operators in there now. It was really quite spectacular being there.

    We also took advantage of being out there to get over to Haida Gwaii which was equally stunning, but in a totally different way. The ferry to Skidegate (Moresby Island) leaves from Prince Rupert.
    Last edited by Manfred M; 3rd April 2016 at 07:24 PM.

  7. #27
    skitterbug's Avatar
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    Re: What Does a Bear Think About?

    A great shot of this bear!
    As for what s/he is thinking? "Gosh, that fish that got away was the biggest I've ever seen!"

    Thanks for sharing this one! Your "bear pics" are the best!

  8. #28

    Re: What Does a Bear Think About?

    What Does a Bear Think About?

    "Hmmm....seal? Nope too late for seal"
    "Salmon? Nope, too early for salmon? Why is there an L in salmon anyway"
    "Photographer? Hmmm....they're pretty slow. Not much flesh on them. Easy to get though"
    "Oh man this is getting unbearable...."

  9. #29

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    Re: What Does a Bear Think About?

    I suppose he could be contemplating climate change and wondering what mangoes taste like.

    Quote Originally Posted by GrumpyDiver View Post
    I suspect the 500mm will be your mainstay...
    Well that's interesting. I'm glad I asked. On their website they indicate that 200-300mm is adequate.

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