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Thread: An interesting outing

  1. #1

    Join Date
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    An interesting outing

    When I am stressed I have found that nothing is better than to have a photography day. So, yesterday I went, together with my sister-in-law, for one of these days. Although my sister-in-law takes photos she just snaps away without much thought but she is fun to have on an outing. Things were going well until some "gentlemen with a camera" decided to talk to us. Generally I am laid back and easy going but this fellow got under my skin. The mainstay of the conversation was how much I paid for my equipment. As far as I was concerned it was none of his business. He then informed me that women shouldn't be doing photography because only men can do it right. My sister-in-law suggested that it was time that we leave, wise on her part because she knows how I feel about comments like that. Later she told me that she was afraid that my camera and lens (70-200) was going to end up across his head for his comment. I wouldn't have done that because it isn't worth ruining my equipment on someone so ignorant. Okay, my rant is over.

    I am posting 2 very different floral images for your feedback. I know that the first one has something not quit right with the stem but I am going to work on that. The second image is a dandelion that was laid on a concrete step. It caught my attention so I took the shot. In PP I added a texture to try and add some interest to the dull concrete, also added a vignette. I do like it but I am also not too sure if it works. Haven't done very much with working with textures so feedback is appreciated.

    1. An interesting outing

    2. An interesting outing

  2. #2
    rtbaum's Avatar
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    Re: An interesting outing

    Relax......the guy was a bonehead

  3. #3

    Join Date
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    Re: An interesting outing

    I prefer the first one because of the diffuse light. Having said that, the style of vignette you used on the second one so nicely complements the strong shadow that it saves the image probably as well as anything could.

    Quote Originally Posted by rtbaum View Post
    the guy was a bonehead
    Far worse than that. I just wish I had been there to give him a few of my thoughts...and I definitely would have.
    Last edited by Mike Buckley; 4th April 2016 at 11:51 AM.

  4. #4
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: An interesting outing

    Nice set.

  5. #5
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: An interesting outing

    I'm glad you (and your gear) survived that idiot and that your wise sister in law was there to rescue you. I guess he's never heard about Annie Leibovitz or Vivian Maier. It's not just you, but I get approached from time to time with some offering free, unsolicited advice (generally I know much more about photography than the person dispensing the advice). Something I always remember is that free advice is often worth exactly what you paid for it. (You should keep that in mind when you read my postings too! ).

    Now, on to the flowers...

    I do like the first one, but find the crop is a bit too tight at the sides. The diffuse light works well with the delicate shading it has.

    he second one works as well to and all the more because of the lighting. I do like what the harsh shadow and vignette do for that shot. This is probably something I would have spent some time on, playing with how the flower and shadow interact and complement each other.

  6. #6

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    Re: An interesting outing

    Thanks Randy and John.

    Mike and Manfred, appreciate your feedback. I also prefer #1 for the softer look. The crop I can fix because I do have some room on the original. I was being lazy and trying to save doing some cloning. The second one turned into something of an experiment. I don't use vignettes much and I don't usually use textures. There are some more angles that I took of this but I didn't like them as much. I know, at least in my head but not necessarily in practice, that harsh light and flowers don't go well together so I can always set this scene up at another time too for a different look. Playing around with different things is a fun way to learn

  7. #7

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    Re: An interesting outing

    Quote Originally Posted by Rita View Post
    I know, at least in my head but not necessarily in practice, that harsh light and flowers don't go well together
    Keep a diffuser with you, the kind that folds into something small enough to store in your bag but expands into something large enough to be practical. If you don't have an assistant handy or aren't using a tripod and a remote shutter release, you will also need to keep a few small accessories in your bag to hold the diffuser in place.

  8. #8
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: An interesting outing

    Hi Rita,

    Good shots, but as you say, might be better.

    With #1, my thought is that the very bright (and different coloured) part in lower right corner 'unbalances' the composition. Perhaps a vignette on #1 is worth a try?

    With #2, the double stem attracts my attention away from the petals.
    Also; I'm not sure the brown mottle really goes on concrete (assuming that's the texture you applied).
    The surface scratches also compete with the sharp detail in the main subject (dandelion).

    Quote Originally Posted by Rita View Post
    The crop I can fix because I do have some room on the original. I was being lazy and trying to save doing some cloning.
    If you are using PS CC, have you tried the spot healing tool? (when you're feeling lazy)

    It may not sound the obvious thing to use, but with careful choice of brush size and stroke(s), it can VERY quickly achieve good results.

    To give an example; I had to extend a canvas the other day to make print of this shot fit an 8 x 10 frame, so I added canvas, which gave me a white strip down each side.
    With a brush size just a bit wider than the white strip, I brushed down the entire left hand side (in one long click and drag) and it filled wonderfully on the first attempt, including extending the green leaf at left edge, with no obvious sign of a join (e.g. it matched the varying brightness and colours well - the kind of thing that can waste a lot of time when cloning).

    I did the same on the right hand side and although I had to 'tidivate' the top right corner to avoid a double stem, it only took a couple of goes to fix that area.

    I have used the spot healing tool on various other (non-'spot') tasks lately too, usually with good, quick results.

    HTH, Dave

  9. #9

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    Re: An interesting outing

    Hi Dave, appreciate the feedback. Wow, I totally missed seeing that area on #1. I will fix that and I can also take care of the double stem and scratches in #2. The white that is behind the flower was also a very small area so I thought of cloning rather than the healing brush so that I could extend the white. However, I will take another look at the image and give it another try, probably mid week now before I will have a chance to do it.

  10. #10

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    Re: An interesting outing

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Buckley View Post
    Keep a diffuser with you, the kind that folds into something small enough to store in your bag but expands into something large enough to be practical. If you don't have an assistant handy or aren't using a tripod and a remote shutter release, you will also need to keep a few small accessories in your bag to hold the diffuser in place.
    I really don't want to admit this but I do have a diffuser like you describe but, it was one of the things I didn't take with me. Mental note for next trip.....take the diffuser!

  11. #11

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    Re: An interesting outing

    When you take the diffuser, if it is white remember that it can instead be used as a reflector to brighten a scene that is otherwise completely in the shade.

  12. #12
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: An interesting outing

    I like #1 for the shot, but didn't like the long stem, maybe a crop down there is in order? Just guessing as I moved the image in Lytebox...I like #2 for the bleed of colour that matches the flower itself but I do not like the shadow that fell on the side because it looks muddy, for lack of better word. -- I feel embarrassed to criticize your shots as you are far ahead of me when it comes to photography.

  13. #13

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    Re: An interesting outing

    The hardest thing for this poorly trained Buddhist to remember is that my greatest lessons come from annoying people or situations and often both at the same time. My less honorable but perhaps more honest reply is that you might want to carry a tape recorder so that the next time this happens you can quickly whip it out and ask him to repeat it for your feminist group.

    As for your shots it seems to me you suffer from my common miscalculation of having a background that is too busy and competes with the foreground.

  14. #14

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    Re: An interesting outing

    Izzie, thanks for commenting. You never have to apologize to me for criticizing something I post here. I am hear to learn and improve. My best learning comes from my mistakes

  15. #15

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    Re: An interesting outing

    Quote Originally Posted by JBW View Post
    more honest reply is that you might want to carry a tape recorder so that the next time this happens you can quickly whip it out and ask him to repeat it for your feminist group.
    This reply is too funny, if I had been quicker thinking at the time I could have recorded it on my phone as a voice memo

  16. #16
    Wavelength's Avatar
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    Re: An interesting outing

    Superb images; I especially liked the dried flower

  17. #17
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: An interesting outing

    Quote Originally Posted by Rita View Post
    This reply is too funny, if I had been quicker thinking at the time I could have recorded it on my phone as a voice memo
    There was a time in my life while living in Oz that I got really angry at a neighbour who bullies everyone in our street. I don't know but I was so angry at him that I said "I hope you find a job. Our street will be more quieter without you." Guess what? He found a job as a truckie the very next day. Did it work? I have no idea but it gave me the lesson too on how to treat comtemptible people whose crack butts remains on display for all to see, that is if I am quick enough to say it at the time. Afterthoughts are always frustrating, to say the least.

  18. #18

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    Re: An interesting outing

    Thank you Nandakumar.

  19. #19
    Urbanflyer's Avatar
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    Re: An interesting outing

    I played around with your #2 a bit because I really liked it and it seemed something was not quite there. I angled the flower a bit and it turned into a very different picture. Yours is better. I did find that some highlights in the yellow flower were slightly blown out and fixing that was an improvement in my eyes. your focus on the texture worked very well. Fun to play!

    When speaking of women photographers don't forget Imogene Cunningham! I like the idea of the recording!

  20. #20

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    Re: An interesting outing

    Nice birds Ken. I think you should be thankful that your wife is your best friend, don't think I would want her as an enemy

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