This will probably kick of a conversation that will go way over my head but - I put an image up into a competition in Photocrowd, a red rose, however it 'changed' when viewed in the competition and the reds became darker and 'muddy' (not sure this will work here so please bear with me), the first image is the one I put up and on my screen the reds are clear and shades of 'red'
this is how it looked when I uploaded it to the competion
now - looking at the original on my screen it looked fine - looking at the same image on my screen in Photocrowd looked dark and muddy - scatches head - reviewed image as tiff file in PS - looks good - save as a .jpg - looks same as first image - scratches head - walk through process again, open tiff with use embedded profile selected, and noticed a tick box when I went to 'save as' as a jpg bottom right of the window - icc profile - pro photo rgb not noticed that before
untick this and lo we have a saved jpg that is darker and muddier on my local machine
so - why did it look okay on my local machine saved with that - but not okay with the same setting on Photocrowd, I guess that it uses a local machine icc profile but why only this image and no others i have saved and uploaded the same way, a few more checks later and I see a difference, its cos i used adobe rgb on the others not Pro Photo! Guess i must have played a bit at some point and forgotten the change
Moral of the story - pay attention to details and colour space - it has an impact !
Lesson learnt - colour management on local system that is okay may be a problem on remote systems so use the colour space for the environment its going to be used in!