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Thread: Baby pics 5 - Expressions

  1. #1
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Baby pics 5 - Expressions

    Chloe was about 9 weeks old on the day I shot these.
    This session is really little more than a few shots taken while being held by Granny, all captured within about a 10 minute time frame.

    I again set a fixed low ISO of 200 and used a shutter speed of 1/200s. I was still bouncing the manual flash off the ceiling, but also had the small secondary flash tube on my Metz 45 CL4 gun at half power, so this provided some frontal fill and (sometimes) catch lights in eyes.

    I was again shooting with the Nikon 18-200mm lens, now fitted with two rubber bands on the zoom ring to stop zoom creep when camera is pointed up or down.

    Baby pics 5 - Expressions
    Nikon D7100 + Nikon 18-200mm lens at 62mm and f/9, 1/200s, iso 200, Manual mode with bounced Flash (415-13064)
    Hit Kbd F11 and click image to see at 950px × 950px (recommended)

    Baby pics 5 - Expressions
    Nikon D7100 + Nikon 18-200mm lens at 62mm and f/9, 1/200s, iso 200, Manual mode with bounced Flash (415-13067)
    Hit Kbd F11 and click image to see at 950px × 950px (recommended)

    Baby pics 5 - Expressions
    Nikon D7100 + Nikon 18-200mm lens at 65mm and f/9, 1/200s, iso 200, Manual mode with bounced Flash (415-13069)
    Hit Kbd F11 and click image to see at 950px × 950px (recommended)

    Baby pics 5 - Expressions
    Nikon D7100 + Nikon 18-200mm lens at 62mm and f/11, 1/200s, iso 200, Manual mode with bounced Flash (415-13072)
    Hit Kbd F11 and click image to see at 950px × 950px (recommended)

    Baby pics 5 - Expressions
    Nikon D7100 + Nikon 18-200mm lens at 62mm and f/10, 1/200s, iso 200, Manual mode with bounced Flash (415-13076)
    Hit Kbd F11 and click image to see at 950px × 950px (recommended)

    PP cropping was in most shots minimal beyond the obvious conversion of all to a square format for the series.

    Comments and critique will be gratefully received.

    Lesson to self for next time -

    Take the new flash - yes (woo-hoo), I now own an i-TTL capable remotely 2.4G RF triggerable flash, the intention being to set that up on a stand or shelf, pointed at the ceiling, to get the weight off the camera and save having to re-point the bounce head when changing the camera from vertical/portrait to horizontal/landscape orientation.

    I need to clean my sensor; I'm getting fed up spot healing dust bunnies in PP, although it helped in these that the worst was cropped off due to the square format choice.

    Consider using the prime lens(es) again, one of those bands has an annoying habit of slipping off, then getting tangled when I zoom out and the barrel retracts.
    Or find a way to tighten up the zoom ring friction.

    Consider using a different room to get away from that pale blue wall, which doesn't come out so great in flash light (see 4 & 5).

    For anyone interested in the 'learning journey' so far:
    Baby pics 1 - a learning experience begins,
    Baby pics 2 - the learning continues,
    Baby pics 3 - manual bounced flash and
    Baby pics 4 - Easter Bunny.

    Oh and Izzie - if you can come up with some amusing titles for 1 - 5 above, I'd be grateful - my mind went blank.

    Thanks for looking, Dave (and Rebecca)

  2. #2

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    Re: Baby pics 5 - Expressions

    Nice selection of images. Babies faces are so expressive. It's amazing how much we learn over years to suppress our outward expression. Well, most of us anyway.

    Regarding the technical aspect of things, well every time I read a post about using multiple flash units, etc. I'm reminded of why I shoot wildlife. All I have to do is show up and shoot.

  3. #3
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Baby pics 5 - Expressions

    Nice captures, great catch lights of the eyes.

  4. #4
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: Baby pics 5 - Expressions

    I saw this last night but I was too tired to continue my foray so I left it for now. I thought she is turning out to be a beautiful baby and having more expressions. What a joy to behold! They are still flexible at this age.

    Funny titles...I will think about it later. Brain still in bed. It did not accompany me to my computer. You are getting good at this. I cannot critique. This baby shots are all perfect to me. She seems to be happier too and not uncomfortable at all apart from #1--she feels like being held too tight. Just look at her clenched hands....j/k...

    I can see your flash on all her eyes.

  5. #5
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Baby pics 5 - Expressions

    Thanks Dan and John,

    I know what you mean Dan, but I'm actually enjoying learning about flash at the moment

  6. #6
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Baby pics 5 - Expressions

    Quote Originally Posted by IzzieK View Post
    I saw this last night but I was too tired to continue my foray so I left it for now.
    That's OK, I often do the same with yours
    (I like to give you the time your posts deserve)

    Quote Originally Posted by IzzieK View Post
    She seems to be happier too ~
    When we were there, yes - unfortunately - she's now giving her parents (my daughter and SIL) a hard time at the moment.

    Quote Originally Posted by IzzieK View Post
    You are getting good at this. I cannot critique. This baby shots are all perfect to me.
    Not bad technically, although I'm not sure I have the WB where I'd like it, the pale blue walls (in a 12 foot {<4m} square room) complicate that, with bounce from white ceiling and so much 're-bounce' from walls.

    Quote Originally Posted by IzzieK View Post
    I can see your flash on all her eyes.
    You may not in future; that said, the larger catch-light in these is probably the ceiling, the tiny pinprick ones are from the secondary flash tube (also causing the shadows of her hands and inside her mouth).

    Next time (hopefully tomorrow), I'll likely be using a remote flash, so I'll see what they look like and whether I need to do anything to improve the catch-light situation going forward.

    Thanks, Dave

  7. #7
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Baby pics 5 - Expressions

    Hi Dan,

    Quote Originally Posted by NorthernFocus View Post
    Babies faces are so expressive. It's amazing how much we learn over years to suppress our outward expression. Well, most of us anyway.
    6: It is amazing that she can go from this (at 11:54:14):

    Baby pics 5 - Expressions

    4: To this (at 11:55:33):

    Baby pics 5 - Expressions

    ... in just 75 seconds.

    'Fickle', I think it's called

    Cheers, Dave
    Last edited by Dave Humphries; 14th April 2016 at 12:22 PM.

  8. #8

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    Re: Baby pics 5 - Expressions

    I like the lighting.
    How much did the blue wall affect things? Have you had to correct skin tones on the blue wall side of the face?
    I love the expressions you've captured, especially 4 and 5. I like you have a range of expressions as a series, as this really captures the full experience.
    Did you take a any of Chloe interacting with Granny in the frame as well?

  9. #9

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    Re: Baby pics 5 - Expressions

    Great photos of Chloe, Dave. It looks like you're really enjoying yourself. I don't have any Grand kids and I haven't had anyone that small in the house for about thirty years. If and when I do, I know where to come and look for advice.


  10. #10

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    Re: Baby pics 5 - Expressions

    Chloe looks so beautiful, very nice images Dave

  11. #11
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Baby pics 5 - Expressions

    Hi David,

    Quote Originally Posted by D L View Post
    I like the lighting.
    Thanks, I'm surprised at the results considering all I am doing is bouncing off a white ceiling (and adding a little direct flash too I suppose).

    Quote Originally Posted by D L View Post
    How much did the blue wall affect things? Have you had to correct skin tones on the blue wall side of the face?
    It must be affecting things, but when I did a Whi-Bal check a few weeks back, the figures obtained were 5500 and 0 tint, so that's what I have generally been using, although this time, I did raise 3, 4, 5 and 6 to 6000/0 for a slightly warmer look. That said, my Whi-Bal check wasn't rigorous and most likely would have provided a different answer if shot from the opposite direction with more blue wall contribution.

    I haven't tried locally balancing since determining (in post) which way she was facing is difficult.

    The next shoot will be with a different flash, so I'll see how that goes and should make an effort to at least scope the extent of the problem by shooting the Whi-Bal card from several directions.

    Quote Originally Posted by D L View Post
    I love the expressions you've captured, especially 4 and 5. I like you have a range of expressions as a series, as this really captures the full experience.
    Did you take a any of Chloe interacting with Granny in the frame as well?
    Thanks, unfortunately no, I don't have any including Granny - a missed opportunity.

    Sergio and Binnur,

    Thanks for the kind words.

    Yes, I am getting a taste for the 'flash' malarkey, I hope to shoot some more tomorrow.

    Cheers, Dave

  12. #12
    djg05478's Avatar
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    Re: Baby pics 5 - Expressions

    Well done and beautiful baby. Once you open the door to flash photography and start studying the equipment and the set ups and all the potential its easy to get overwhelmed. Its good to remember that you can make some great photos with just one flash on the camera by bouncing the light. I know you stated you were using two, but my point is, even just one flash with good technique will get you decent shots that you wouldn't get without it.

  13. #13
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: Baby pics 5 - Expressions

    I like the transformations, reminds me of a long time ago when my young kid was a baby...nevermind!!!
    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Humphries View Post
    Hi Dan,

    6: It is amazing that she can go from this (at 11:54:14):

    Baby pics 5 - Expressions

    4: To this (at 11:55:33):

    Baby pics 5 - Expressions

    ... in just 75 seconds.

    'Fickle', I think it's called

    Cheers, Dave

  14. #14
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Baby pics 5 - Expressions

    Dave - I'm thoroughly enjoying your adventure with your camera and grand daughter. I suspect in around a dozen years from now she will probably want to destroy these images and a dozen years past that will be so happy that you took them.

    I've always loved working with flash and in my view bounce flash is one of the most important, yet under-rated "tools of the trade". If you have a small of money sitting around, I'd highly recommend investing in a light stand, umbrella (white / shoot through combo is most flexible) and flash mount for the above. Add a cheap reflector (I use an old piece of foam core) and ditch the direct flash fill light and you'll get studio-like results. Umbrellas give nice round catch lights too!

    My wife has the Nikkor 18-200mm as well and the lens creep is a PITA, but at least it has a lock so, unlike my Lumix 14-140mm, the lens stays put while walking around.

  15. #15
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Baby pics 5 - Expressions

    Hi Manfred,

    Quote Originally Posted by GrumpyDiver View Post
    Dave - I'm thoroughly enjoying your adventure with your camera and grand daughter. I suspect in around a dozen years from now she will probably want to destroy these images and a dozen years past that will be so happy that you took them.
    Funny you should say that; Rebecca recently had us going through the old photo albums and loose prints for shots of her when she was a newborn, which I then had to scan and send to her (for comparison).

    Quote Originally Posted by GrumpyDiver View Post
    I've always loved working with flash and in my view bounce flash is one of the most important, yet under-rated "tools of the trade". If you have a small of money sitting around, I'd highly recommend investing in a light stand, umbrella (white / shoot through combo is most flexible) and flash mount for the above. Add a cheap reflector (I use an old piece of foam core) and ditch the direct flash fill light and you'll get studio-like results. Umbrellas give nice round catch lights too!
    Funny you should say this too, such items are on order and should arrive later this week.

    I have the sixth Chloe instalment shot and processed; I just need to create the post here, perhaps later this evening. That was shot with the new i-TTL flash and reviewing the shots from that, plus your comment, tipped the scales to buy now. I have since noticed that Simon (ionian) has shot his 'first batch' family session with a white umbrella. I nearly got carried away and ordered two sets and the second flash gun, filters and some other modifiers - I'm sure it will come, but I feel I should build up slowly. Well; at least one session with each new acquisition before buying more gear

    I already have a circular 36 inch 5 in 1 reflector, although Rebecca even suggested a seamless background (tempting) to avoid the blue walls issue with bounce (given the relatively compact dimensions of UK houses).

    Cheers, Dave

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