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Thread: C&C on Round Bales

  1. #21

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    Re: C&C on Round Bales

    Excellent Radu: I have several other shots of the same location where I was trying to emphasize the rolling hills and lines in the field. This one does it better than any of them. In all the shots that I took, the impact was not the same as the actual scene. You have seen what I felt.

    Of course the scene has been altered a bit but I don't have a problem with that. Putting the bales across the whole frame balances the shot and the extra height to the hill (don't know how you did that) is more like what I saw, but did not manage to capture.

    I like it!



  2. #22
    Peter Ryan's Avatar
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    Re: C&C on Round Bales

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Humphries View Post
    Oh dear, I'd better not come to Aus then - I was struggling with exposure this weekend even with UK sunshine

    In my case, maybe it was just a bad choice of subjects; dark ducks on the (dark) river, but with bight white or yellow beaks, etc., will post in a day or so.

    The ones exposed to stop the blinkies look awfully dark on screen (not attempted PP yet), so you're not alone Wendy!

    Don’t worry Dave (Wendy & Kay) I do not get it right either. Given the brightness we do have down here I have tried to develop a shooting style and post production to suit. I see myself as an opportunistic photographer (like most here I suspect) where I see light and try to photograph it. I do not sit in hides or wait for the light to be right. If the light is not right here and now it will be somewhere else. I will often try a shot and if it has promise came back at a better time but often I am on the move and cannot get back so I need to make the most of what is available at the time.
    I will evaluate a scene and sometimes know I have to have some blinkies but make them as minimal as possible. On many days there is some cloud cover and I will wait until the edge of the cloud passes between the sun and us the softer diffused light. If there are no clouds then I try to minimise the harsh shadows by choosing an angle that reduces their important in the composition. You need some shadows but if you make them a smaller target it helps even out exposures.
    For landscapes, where you cannot shift to minimise shadows, I use the shoot to the right mantra for RAW capture and use PP techniques I have worked through to suit me. It has taken me a while but I have developed a post production process (both for jpeg – above, and for RAW processed and saved in any format) to even out the exposures but the trick is not to make them look flat and ‘milky’.
    I look forward to seeing some of you shots Kay and others. I am happy to try and explain my process further if it helps.

  3. #23

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    Feb 2009

    Re: C&C on Round Bales

    Quote Originally Posted by ScoutR View Post
    Excellent Radu: I have several other shots of the same location where I was trying to emphasize the rolling hills and lines in the field. This one does it better than any of them. In all the shots that I took, the impact was not the same as the actual scene. You have seen what I felt.

    Of course the scene has been altered a bit but I don't have a problem with that. Putting the bales across the whole frame balances the shot and the extra height to the hill (don't know how you did that) is more like what I saw, but did not manage to capture.

    I like it!


    First Ctrl J to duplicate the layer,then lasso on the area You want to increase, then transform+free transform.That was for the field and merge visibile.Now for bales Ctrl J again,then lasso on the bales and move tool to move them where You wish.Time 10 to 15 min.
    Radu Dinu

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