The main issue of that article is the advice to think less about the perfect technical creation but more about the artistical and emotional. Not always but in some situations. And I do agree with him in that point. Just a pitty he used the P-mode for that to explain.
In many kind of photography the moment is making the picture. And that is made with your finger on the right button. A reason why we still watch the D-day pictures of Robert Capa. And HCB wrote his book "the decisive moment"
One mor quote from that article. The finishing of that article.
GeorgeUltimately whether you decide to shoot fully-automatic, in P mode, aperture-priority, or fully-manual is a personal decision. Every genre of photography is different.
But my statement is don’t blindly listen to people who tell you that you “need” to shoot fully-manual to be a “legit” photographer. After all, who ever goes to a photography exhibition and ask the artist, “What aperture and shutter speed did you shoot this photograph?”