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Thread: Rome (not Georgia)

  1. #1

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    Rome (not Georgia)

    Considering the available subject matter, I found Rome to be a difficult place for photography. Plenty to shoot but too many people and cars. But one has to shoot something.

    1) The famous Piazza Navona.
    Rome (not Georgia)

    2) Cafes in Piazza Navona
    Rome (not Georgia)

    3) Dime a dozen domes.
    Rome (not Georgia)

    4) Saint Peter's and a really old bridge over the Tiber.
    Rome (not Georgia)

    5) Butcher shop.
    Rome (not Georgia)

    6) Fish market.
    Rome (not Georgia)

    7) Just some old iron bars.
    Rome (not Georgia)

    8) Just another doorway we walked by.
    Rome (not Georgia)

    9) Just not right.
    Rome (not Georgia)

    And my favorite thing in Rome, the engineering marvel of the Pantheon.

    10) The oldest and largest free standing unreinforced concrete dome in the world. It was way beyond my skill to capture.
    Rome (not Georgia)

    11) Perfect timing.
    Rome (not Georgia)
    Last edited by NorthernFocus; 24th April 2016 at 07:09 PM.

  2. #2
    dje's Avatar
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    Re: Rome (not Georgia)

    Good stuff Dan, very interesting set - not the usual touristy things I would take!

    The cafes in 2 are "so Italy", the light and colour in 6 (fish market) are terrific, the doorway in 8 has great sense of depth and in the last one(11) you've captured the moment so well.


  3. #3

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    Re: Rome (not Georgia)

    A very nice set Dan

  4. #4

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    Re: Rome (not Georgia)

    Yes, good clear well exposed scenes.

  5. #5
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Rome (not Georgia)

    Needed a bit of long exposure photography, probably need an ND filter for some of the shots with sky visible. Tripod or steady surface needed but the people would have been rendered invisible. Nice captures.

  6. #6
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Rome (not Georgia)

    Lovely collection of very different images from the Eternal City....

  7. #7

    Re: Rome (not Georgia)

    All great shots Dan, I have a nearly identical shot inside the Pantheon; I forget exactly but the dome from bottom to top thins so it's only a few feet thick at the occulus (I believe) as well as the square relief patterns also helped to reduce the amount and weight of the concrete. Love that last one, just the right time and sun angle. The one problem I had with Rome was, every where you turned, every corner you rounded, there was another old building; it's like Rome is nothing but old buildings

  8. #8

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    Re: Rome (not Georgia)

    Thanks for the comments, folks. We're now in Tuscany on a cycling trip and had some down time due to rain/wind/cold. So I took the time to do some processing and did this post. Hopefully the weather improves and the Tuscany shots have to wait
    Quote Originally Posted by flashback View Post
    ... The one problem I had with Rome was, every where you turned, every corner you rounded, there was another old building; it's like Rome is nothing but old buildings
    So true. It is crazy how many old, narrow cobblestone streets there are that scream to be photographed. Incredible some of that pavement has held up for centuries even with heavy vehicles being driven on it for the past several decades. In AK an asphalt road is good for about five years before the freeze/thaw cycles and studded tires do it in. Those Romans were quite the engineers.

  9. #9

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    Re: Rome (not Georgia)

    Very nice set Dan - makes me want to go! I think my favorite is "just another doorway" for the title that made me smile as much as the lovely image itself

  10. #10

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    Re: Rome (not Georgia)

    Quote Originally Posted by ShaneS View Post
    Very nice set Dan - makes me want to go! I think my favorite is "just another doorway" for the title that made me smile as much as the lovely image itself
    The title means just that. Scenes like that are common place. If you stopped every time you saw something interesting to shoot you'd never get anywhere. That's what I was trying to reflect in this thread. Everyone is familiar with the iconic edifices in Rome. But the entire city is full of scenes like these wherever you look. Pretty cool to see. But it's crowded. I mostly shot whatever was unobstructed by cars/people.

  11. #11
    dje's Avatar
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    Re: Rome (not Georgia)

    Dan just wondering what camera and lens you shot these with. EXIF is not showing.


  12. #12
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Rome (not Georgia)

    Nice shots Dan. It sounds like a wonderful trip, especially the bicycling in Tuscany part. Did you bring your own bikes or are you renting?

    I had to laugh at your comment about the people and cars. I was at a conference in Rome a few years ago and a group of us decided to head out to a trattoria for some wine and dinner on one of the evenings. I was chatting with one of the other conference attendees (one from one of the Northern European countries, who leaned over and in a low voice leaned over and said to me in a hushed voice, something along the lines of "Rome is a beautiful city, the only problem with it, there are too many Romans here).

    I was also thinking the same thing as Dave; the last time you were bicycling in Europe you had a Nikon 1 along and I seem to remember you were unimpressed with it. What camera are you shooting with on this trip?

  13. #13
    Wavelength's Avatar
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    Re: Rome (not Georgia)

    An excellent set; I think those people make the street images more lively and lovely than leaving them in a desolated state?

  14. #14

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    Re: Rome (not Georgia)

    Quote Originally Posted by NorthernFocus View Post
    Plenty to shoot but too many people and cars.
    You did a wonderful job of photographing the shops (and everything else in your thread). If there were a lot fewer people living in and visiting the city, you wouldn't have nearly so many shops at your disposal to photograph.

  15. #15

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    Re: Rome (not Georgia)

    Hey, guys. Arrived at our next stop. Rough day for cycling. Started in windy conditions at 7 degrees C. Had to go 75k in mixed sun, rain, wind, and even had hail stones. Getting to old for this. Tonight we're in Cortona. Yet another midevil walled town on a hilltop.

    Dave and Manfred, I'm shooting a Sony a6000 with 18-55mm kit lens. Much better than the Nikon1. And we rented the bikes locally.

    Nandakumar, I agree the street scenes are better with a few people. It's the ancient ruins etc. that would be nice to shoot vacated of tourists.

  16. #16
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Rome (not Georgia)

    Good (understatement) set of images Dan,

    We in UK get used to having a lot of urban history compared to USA/Canada, but when we go to Europe (almost anywhere, but especially Italy) they trump us every time. If you're in the mood, then it is indeed a 'target rich environment' for photography.

    Quote Originally Posted by NorthernFocus View Post
    Hey, guys. Arrived at our next stop. Rough day for cycling. Started in windy conditions at 7 degrees C. Had to go 75k in mixed sun, rain, wind, and even had hail stones. Getting to old for this.
    Yikes, I think I'm doing well with 60k a day on my exercise bike/cross trainer thingy - and that's in a windless and comfortable temperature room indoors. They obviously breed you "hardy" up north!

    Enjoy your travels, Dave

  17. #17
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Rome (not Georgia)

    Quote Originally Posted by NorthernFocus View Post
    Hey, guys. Arrived at our next stop. Rough day for cycling. Started in windy conditions at 7 degrees C. Had to go 75k in mixed sun, rain, wind, and even had hail stones. Getting to old for this. Tonight we're in Cortona. Yet another midevil walled town on a hilltop.
    Just remember, you are there to have some fun! I suspect Alaska might be warmer than that right now.. At 7 degrees C you are doing better than we are here. They are calling for a high of 6C today there is a 60% chance of snow overnight and early tomorrow - not the best spring I can remember.

    My wife and I keep looking at doing that type of cycling trip, but somehow, we keep going somewhere else where this mode of transport would not be a lot of fun (i.e. much of southern Asia).

    In spite of the issues, there is bound to be a nice meal and a nice bed at the end of the day!

  18. #18
    joebranko's Avatar
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    Re: Rome (not Georgia)

    Beautiful shots. Loved the colours!

  19. #19
    dje's Avatar
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    Re: Rome (not Georgia)

    Quote Originally Posted by NorthernFocus View Post

    Dave and Manfred, I'm shooting a Sony a6000 with 18-55mm kit lens. Much better than the Nikon1.
    Dan the reason I asked is that I bought the same camera and and the 16-50mm lens a while ago for use on a trip to Europe we are taking in June. It is so much easier to manage than my Nikon FF kit for this sort of thing. I'm still trying to decide which to take though (or both). The only negative with the 16-50 is that it's a bit soft at the 50mm end. I could get an 18-105mm which is a better performer across the zoom range and across the frame but it is a fair size and much the same size and weight as my Nikon 24-85mm. Overall the Sony kit would still be considerably lighter though.

    Decisions decisions.


  20. #20
    carloshpvp's Avatar
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    Re: Rome (not Georgia)

    Great series! Rome is an amazing city. I wasn't really aware of the age of most of the places there and it's incredible they are still up. I'd like very much to see the series from the other places you visit in Italy. Congrats!

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