Very nicely composed. I like the way your focus is on the nearest dancer.
I used some noise control with NIK Dfine and also brightened and increased the contrast of the nearest dancers face, hand and the flower petal holder
Then I decided that darkening the rear dancers might help place more of an emphasis on the nearest dancer
If I were to do more, I might brighten the bodice of her blouse and the red material around her waist
Last edited by rpcrowe; 26th April 2016 at 05:02 PM.
A nicely constructed image Stephen - and Richard's edits have sorted out the comments I would make.
Here is really good video on noise reduction in Photoshop - if I was thinking about using the blur technique on this image, I would first mask the in-focus areas so as not to lose detail, but it's worth a watch, and possibly experiment with it in future edits with high ISO images.
I like the composition and Richard's edit improved the image![]()
I like your last edit, Stephen. Richard's edits looks good too...