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Thread: What caught your eye - Week 2

  1. #21

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    Re: What caught your eye - Week 2

    What caught your eye - Week 2
    That is just a classic, Wendy. You've caught more atmosphere than just weather. I hope you have this one printed and framed for yourself.

    Last edited by Dave Humphries; 16th August 2010 at 11:58 AM.

  2. #22
    PopsPhotos's Avatar
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    Re: What caught your eye - Week 2

    It's what we have come to expect from Wendy.


  3. #23
    Loose Canon's Avatar
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    Re: What caught your eye - Week 2


    I am watching this thread and Colin’s with great interest. Because I am late with getting back to Life with my work schedule, I am a little hesitant to post.

    But I would like to offer an opinion regarding the point that has been mentioned. And that is the fear of taking the shot, has it been done, can I add anything, how will it be viewed, will it be as good as I have seen, will it be understood, what will the best shooters (and if I may add the very few that actually post here consistently) say about it. Those very shooters are asking this question!

    There is nothing new under the Sun. And yet every moment we live is new and never before experienced or seen by us as individuals. There is absolutely no reason to hesitate. Every shot I take is new to me. Has it been done? Probably. Has it been done better? Most certainly if it has been done at all. Do I have things that no one else has ever seen. You bet. Was it done properly? Most likely not. Subjective to a fault. Does this keep me from doing it? No way. Fear is not an option. If it sucks, it sucks. If it is good, it is good. But there is only one way to know. Life is not about coming in out of the storm. It is about learning to dance in the rain!

    Thank you for giving us this opportunity, Pops. I appreciate and know why you do this.

    It takes a long exposure to make hay in the dark, Wendy! And your shot is some pretty darn good hay makin'!

    The subject.
    What caught your eye - Week 2

    The shot.
    What caught your eye - Week 2

  4. #24

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    Re: What caught your eye - Week 2

    Nice shot Terry, wish I had brought an orange for break. I suddenly have a craving.

    I love what you said in paragraph 3, every word of it is so true and applicable to so many things.


  5. #25
    PopsPhotos's Avatar
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    Re: What caught your eye - Week 2

    Terry, that is NICE!

    Both the observation and the pictures. Yes, this is why I love doing this stuff. I spent 9 hours today, on my feet, judging some 550 pictures at the county fair. Each picture was judged on that picture's quality, blue, red, white or none. That took a lot of time. Then I had to choose two from each group, adult, intermediate and youth, as best of group. That took a lot of time. Then I had to choose from the pairs, the better of the two. That was just a truely tough job. Then, I had to pick Best of Show for photography. Lordy, what have I gotten myself into? I'm poooooooped. I'm happy!


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