Last edited by Sam W; 8th May 2016 at 03:58 PM.
Great detail and nice conversion.
Sam, awesome shot, love the conversion and the sky, just one criticism: between the 1st and 2nd columns on the left, that cotton ball cloud. It just screams for attention. Can we maybe smudge it or clone it or something so it's just not so predominant? It really is a great shot, very captivating. To me it just needs that cotton ball toned down some.
Hey Sam,
I recall last Nov. when you posted your first shot of this building so I went back and had a peek at the first one.
I really liked that shot Sam but I’m liking this one even more. Just as an opinion I think this is the better angle and I like this conversion a little more. More tonal range and a bit more contrast which I find more appealing.
Also the verticals look nice with this one. Really brings out the “stateliness” of the building without all the distortion getting in the way.
Nice work Sam.
Hi Terry - Wow, what a nice note. One of the major contributors to this shot was having more sun that helped provide better contrast. The first was taken early in the morning, this one was in the afternoon. Also, I had a lot of CIC help like yours on the first image that I could apply this one. It still has room for improvement and using a tripod could help too.
Nice shot of the Custom House Sam. Looks great in B&W.
Nic shot, very well converted. Additional PP on the cloud does help...