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Thread: Yet Another Sunset

  1. #1

    Join Date
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    Yet Another Sunset

    Hello folks,

    My first post here, figured I'd dive right in with today's photo.

    Yet Another Sunset

    300mm, 1/400th sec, f/8, ISO200
    Olympus OM-D E-M5, Lumix G Vario 100-300mm f/4.0-5.6

    Link to 2048 x 1536 version, 422KB.

    Hopefully I got all the posting technicals right. I'm a hobbyist photographer and have been trying to improve. None of my friends are critical of my work in constructive ways so I turn to the internet; cap in hand, hoping to be humbled. I want to produce great images with drama and story, and have been working on technical mastery of the camera for some time now.

    This sunset shot is, I believe, one of the best I've ever taken. Which means it is the perfect place to start understanding all of the problems with it that I cannot presently detect. Your criticism is much appreciated.

  2. #2
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Yet Another Sunset

    Hi Julian,

    I'm sure you'll succeed if your photography is as good as your first post's content (image and especially the supporting text).

    These are my thoughts:
    I'd crop a little (no more than 5% image width) off the right hand side, just to balance the RH bright area vs the LH one with rocks.
    I'd also crop a little off the top edge (10-15% image height), because it feels 'top heavy' as it stands with all that 'dark' up there (I suspect you have applied the 'rule of thirds' a little too rigorously).

    I assume you shoot RAW and I don't know what you have already done in processing, but wonder whether there is any enhancement possible to the tonal range by very localised dodging and burning to reveal more layer detail in the rocks in front of the land mass. It might then stand some output sharpening, applied after the downsize to 1200 x 900 (see below), but be careful with the Threshold setting, so as not to increase noise.

    However, these are minor issues - only mentioned since you requested critique over platitudes - it is a very nice shot, the colours are believable and the exposure is a good compromise for a huge dynamic range.

    Hopefully I got all the posting technicals right.
    You have posted an image 700px wide, but if you click on it here at CiC, if it were bigger, we'd see that in a feature known as the 'LyteBox', so it could be seen at a size more appropriate to most people's monitors; I suggest 1200 x 900 would suit this image aspect ratio.

    I appreciate you have provided a link to a larger version, but that's bigger than my screen, so I have to view it shrunken by the browser, which softens it somewhat - not so much an issue for this shot, but could be more relevant for (hopefully) future shots we see from you.

    Cheers, Dave

  3. #3
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Yet Another Sunset

    Nice shot.

  4. #4
    Kaye Leggett's Avatar
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    Re: Yet Another Sunset

    Great 1st post. I agree with Dave that the top needs a crop, it's kind of lost and doesn't add to the image. I like the way you have caught the sunlight in the spray at the foot of the cliffs - and again like Dave, I wonder whether you could bring this element out a little more in processing ?

  5. #5

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    Re: Yet Another Sunset

    Welcome to CIC, Julian. If you've already been poking around with photo-centric websites no doubt you're already aware that you'll get a wide range of opinions about your work, sometimes in opposite directions. It's up to you to sift chaff from grain.

    Regarding this image, similar to the previous comments you did well with the dynamic range and good level of saturation. So good techs. While "dead space" can be used effectively to focus attention, IMO it doesn't work in this case. Differing from the prior comments I'd suggest you play around with a panoramic format reducing both top and bottom portions of the frame. And with PP see if there is more detail to be pulled out of both the central part of the image and the sky.

    Great first post. Looking forward to seeing more of your work.

  6. #6

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    Re: Yet Another Sunset

    Thank you, thank you for the wonderful feedback.

    I have attacked the image once again with rigor in Lightroom. After trying various crops I can see how the dark clouds on top are very "heavy", and influence the photo unduly for their lack of interest. Additionally, there is a lot of blank featureless ocean at the bottom which is not necessary.

    I wanted to preserve the line of birds flying along the ocean. When taking the shot I waited quite awhile to get them in and hopefully they add to the scale of the scene. Unfortunately it seems like they get a bit lost in the sea's high frequency detail.

    After trying out various dodge settings and localized exposure compensation, I do not believe there is anything more to be had in the shadows. This photo already pushes the camera's dynamic range ability to its limit. Trying to lighten any of the darks pulled a bunch of noise with it.

    Here is an updated version which I do like better.

    Yet Another Sunset

  7. #7

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    Re: Yet Another Sunset

    Much improved IMO. In the expanse of sea I hadn't even noticed the birds in the original. They still don't jump out but my eye covers the smaller area more effectively and picked them out from the water. The image really has a good feel to it. Nicely done.

  8. #8
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: Yet Another Sunset

    Very nice first post. Good one on the edit too. Well done!

  9. #9

    Join Date
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    Re: Yet Another Sunset

    I do prefer the second edit. I do think however that you have overdone cropping the top, try 50mm and then have another look. That is only my opinion though.
    Cheers Ole

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