The only thing I really wonder about is the colour of the moon. It seems a tad too orange.
The moon does tend to look more red when it's low in the sky owing to refraction/scattering of light
It is a nice first, Benjy...I was kinda looking at it here last night too and thought it was pretty...
Shooting the moon is not the easiest thing to do. This is pretty good for a first attempt. It is actually quite difficult to get good detail on the surface of the crescent when it is as young as it is at present (I think about 3-4 days old).
It was cloud and rain here this last few days so I haven't seen the moon, but at 9:30 pm it would still be pretty low in the sky and probably not as bright as it could be later. That said I'd agree with Manfred that it looks a little too orange.
Thanks all for views and comments,very much appreciated......
'that's because it's made of cheese.'
'That said I'd agree with Manfred that it looks a little too orange. '
smoked cheese then
Bernard, good shot - not seen it here in Wales for a few nights
You should had composited a little image of a mouse then if it that orange to you.
This is ridiculous, I've just had to make a cheese sandwich (Red Leicester... very good!)
Didn't you know?Whattt!!!
That's why the astronauts who landed on the moon bounced when they walked around.... its soft cheese!.... really.....just like walking on a mattrerss.....honest!