Kindly share your C&C for my below image.
IMG_6057 as Smart Object-1 by Tejal Imagination, on Flickr
Kindly share your C&C for my below image.
IMG_6057 as Smart Object-1 by Tejal Imagination, on Flickr
This photo continues my main complaint with India...
For some reason the power lines are always put in the way of great photography! They really should be more careful with where they put those.
As for the content itself, excellent. My respect for your ability to capture human moments knows no bounds. I find it to be the hardest part of photography. How do the subjects react? Do you use telephoto to capture them unwittingly? The moments you capture seem so natural, when I try to photograph people they get cranky about it, or they look amazingly unnatural in their forced poses. Tell us your secrets! (Or don't... for then they would no longer be secrets.)
This photo personifies toil for me. That is all.
Nicely captured, one of those images where you just have to zoom in see more.
he he he he... no secret
Many thanks for your kind words.
I love to capture candid moments and by chance if somebody poses for me, i cant photograph him/her . I dont like to disturb them. I let them be, the way they are.
I have only kit lenses and for street i use 18-55 mostly. I try my best that they don't notice me. If they notice then also i wait for them to get into their routine. I pretend that I am not photographing them .
It is fun sometimes. And most of the time, subject doesn't act the way, I want :P.
Very nice and colorful image Tejal I think the composition is a bit crowded with the people and their reflections and some crops can be tried but the environment is so nice that I personally wouldn't crop the image and leave as is. But if I had to crop I would crop the woman with pink clothes on the right and put the emphasis more on the two women who carry the basket.
I manipulated this image a bit... See how you like it.
1. I selected the skin of the women with the basket, using two control points, and used the shadows slider to lighten the skin a pit
2. I placed several control points on the water below the women with the reflections and then reduced the brightness a bit and increased the structure.
I was trying to make the reflections more of an integral part of the image. You can decide how I succeeded.
Oh yes, I cropped the image eliminating the workers at the image left.
I can only imagine he pain that the slightest cut on a worker's foot would be...
Tejal I think this is the best one yet. The colors are brilliant, the reflections are a perfect touch and, if you look carefully there is an interesting symmetrical placement of the women in groups of three. I don't know that that is relevant but to me it is interesting.
Your photo shows very well what is going on and the way in which it is done. I think this is a great photo.
Richard's edit is good but I do think your original better tells a story and a broader example of the local environment. I agree with Julian about the power lines, maybe think about cloning them out? I think in this case it would be easy enough to do and while having these salt pans beneath power lines shows their proximity to modernity, removing the power lines would unclutter the sky. However you choose this is a very good image.
Thank you Jack. Since it is a street photography where generally any kind of editing is not preferred, i kept the wires as it is. But yes, if we remove that, pic would have look definitely better.
The symmetry, you mentioned, something like that, was there in my mind when i took that pic and may be because of that reason, i kept all the elements in the frame. I have some other shots too. I will post those too later. I think i will be able to make every one happy . (except those wire part)