This image is conceptually a combination of this first one and this second one. It came about partly because Binnur suggested the idea of making an image like the second one but using a grey background. I decided it also needed the blueberries as in the first one.
First capture: The tabletop and background are a single sheet of grey semigloss presentation board with metalic flecks. The tabletop is placed over a piece of glass and a hole is cut in the tabletop underneath the subject. A small continuous-light lamp lights the blue stem from below. An LED flashlight on the left lights the blue stem and the tabletop. An LED flashlight above the glass lights the background. The light reflecting from the background creates the dark outline of the bowl. Second capture: Blueberries are lit from the right by a small flashlight. Third capture: Blueberries are lit from the top left with the same small flashlight. The three captures are merged.