Nice, we do make good photography subjects.
He does look very intent on what he's doing. Did you see what he was shooting?
Great capture. I like shooting photographers at work and have a collection of these shots from Shanghai where EVERYONE seemed to have a camera.
When I first started shooting marathons I was the only photographer along the route, there were always spectators with cellphones; but at the last race while positioned at the midway point there were at least three other photographers. I think most learn that setting up at the starting/endpoint can become quite congested and you often get the same old shot; however a few good shots of an overexerted runner; especially if they are about to hit the brick wall can make for a very dramatic capture.
"He can't be too serious, he's using a Canon" he said as he runs and ducks for cover.
I was wondering if he turned his baseball cap to match the lens hood when it is performing its intended function, rather than as a fashion accessory
Good look of concentration though Ole (shot with an Olympus, I note).
That's OK Donald, I have a new weapon of mass destruction coming tomorrow. I can't wait to use it.
Could work either way Mark.
I'm chomping at the bit right now waiting. FedEx can't arrive soon enough.
Now you made me look -- OK the position of his baseball cap matches his lens and his tripod...very funny Dave...
Ole, I have quite a few shots of photographers shooting what I was about to shoot myself but not as enthusiastic as this one is about to taste his camera. Was he looking at food stalls?
Izzie sticking one's tongue out is a human trait that shows one is concentrating on a task. My wife does it a lot when making difficult stitches on the sewing machine. It has nothing to do with food.
But you knew that already, didn't you.
Great shot Ole.
The baseball cap on backwards is something I do regularly while out shooting, otherwise the brim bangs into the camera while trying to look through the viewfinder. In fact the same thing happens with just about any hat. Backwards works for baseball caps, but I have to find a less elegant solution for other styles of hat.
My missing hairline requires some form of head covering on many days to prevent sunburn. Getting sunburned on the top of the head is extremely unpleasant.
I have the same issue - I have yet to find a hat that either doesn't make me boil, doesn't look ridiculous, or doesn't get in the way. My current hat of choice is a beanie with a narrow brim. Ideally my hair will magically grow back soon and I won't have to worry about it, but as the years pass I have begun to lose hope in that happening...