These all work well.
These all work well.
Thanks Izzie, Binnur, Nandakumar and Geoff.
Nice boat! I love #1. The colour is beaagainst the sky. Every should have taken of a sail boat i have always included the full mast. Now I see that is not always necessary.
Thanks, Joe. Hopefully, there will be shots with the full mast and sails in future.
Week 26
The wind was more conducive to kite surfing than sailing on Saturday and it rained on Sunday, so no sailing last weekend, but I did get to spend some precious time with my two older nieces, both of whom spend most of the year living in other provinces. After cooking and eating a delicious meal together, we went down to the beach to watch the surfers. Thinking there would not be enough light to shoot them, I took the wide angle to shoot the sunset. It didn't occur to me that I could silhouette the surfers against the setting sun until I was actually down there. Doh!
This is a shot of my brother jumping. I tarted it up only because he is so small. He really likes the shot, so I wouldn't mind suggestions as to other possible treatments. Note that this is already close to a 50% crop.
Last edited by purplehaze; 1st July 2016 at 02:37 AM.
Nicely captured.
This is such a pretty shot, Janis. I like the colour overall. I have not seen a red sea before. (I've heard of it through the Bible though...of all places...) The silhouetteof your brother is timely. 'Wonder if you put him right smack in front of the sun instead, will it look better? I am just thinking out aloud. I already like the image now...but you ask for improvement and you cannot reshoot, so it might be possible in PP. It IS possible in PP...
That's an nice image Janis. Doesn't matter for me whether the colours are accurate. The atmosphere they create is right. Timing is spot on, not the least because you have had to concentrate on your brother and what's at the other end of those lines leading out of the frame, is missing. That might normally be a problem but the fact that you have managed to include the other windsurfer in the BG in just the right place, tells the rest of the story. Nice shot.
Thanks, John, Izzie and John 2.
Izzie, the colour is from one of the bi-colour filters in CEP. I also applied some detail extraction for more interest, but perhaps should have used it even more selectively than I did.
I briefly wondered about keeping the kite, John 2, especially as you can't see the surfer it belongs to, but ultimately decided it added interest to, and helped balance the composition, and as you say, provided some context. I probably wasn't even aware it was there when I pressed the shutter, as I was concentrating mainly on tracking my brother, and the light was blinding.
Last edited by purplehaze; 1st July 2016 at 07:37 PM.
Hi Janis,
Yes, I looked long and hard - and eventually found the owner of the other kite - it would be better to see him/her if possible, perhaps a little attention to that in PP could make them more visible.
Being really, really, really nit-picky, I might suggest that its position with respect to your brother is compositionally less than ideal, I suppose it might be clone moved a bit further to the right of frame (with strings and owner).
I agree it should be left in, regardless though.
Just my thoughts, Dave
PS I'll keep a look out in case you start a 3rd Quarter thread.
Or, if you like, I could move post #65 to a new thread suitably titled, for you.
(along with the responses since then)
Thanks, Dave; I will see what I can do. Meanwhile, I love how he is framed by the light in what was the next shot.
Yes, I think I agree with you; I will tag this as a candidate for developing my cloning skills. Have only just rebooted my attempt to learn Photoshop, but am going to try to stick with it this time.Being really, really, really nit-picky, I might suggest that its position with respect to your brother is compositionally less than ideal, I suppose it might be clone moved a bit further to the right of frame (with strings and owner).
No, the shot was taken last weekend, so you can leave it here. I will likely start a Third Quarter thread in the next few days.PS I'll keep a look out in case you start a 3rd Quarter thread.
Or, if you like, I could move post #65 to a new thread suitably titled, for you.
(along with the responses since then)
Thanks again for the comments; much appreciated.