Quote Originally Posted by Alis View Post
Thanks, Colin. I guess I was not clear. I understand why they are not deleted, I mean why are they "imported" into the PS, in other words, what is their use in PS, if they color space in PS is supposed to be sRBG or one of those standard profiles.
Hi Ali,

They're not "imported" per sec as far as I know - all profiles are kept in the one location by the operating system, and Photoshop simply displays all the files in that location so long as they have a filetype of .icc.

I guess that is the price to pay for having a printer like that at hand all the time. We have to upload them and then wait at least 4-5 days to get them and if there is anything wrong with them (and that happens a lot and is usually systemic in my case so it affects all of them) have to do them again, pay again and wait some more
Perhaps the next step for you is to get your own printer? They're not overly expensive (for the smaller models) - wee bit of a learning curve, but very satisfying ... and it instantly overcomes the issues that you mention (which also drive me nuts!).