I find I like shooting church interiors during my travels (it gets me a chance to pull out the ultra-wide angle lens). These buildings tend to be full of visitors so an ultra-wide angle lens lets one step in front of the crowds and get a clean image without any people. I tend to prefer this sterile look for these types of images.
Helsinki Cathedral is a Lutheran church, so it is decorated in a far simpler style than Catholic churches.
1. Altar - D800 at f/2.8 15mm. Manual perspective correction
2. Organ - D800 at f/2.8 24mm - No perceptive correction as I like the the the distortion frames the organ. There was a chandelier hanging down, in front of where I was standing, so the cable that held it has been removed in PP.
I have an interesting time blend on the building exterior using the "time blending" technique, but still have at least an hour of work left on that image, so hopefully it will be up in a few days.