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Thread: To Wacom, or not to Wacom

  1. #1
    ionian's Avatar
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    To Wacom, or not to Wacom

    That is the question.

    I've been looking at getting one of their latest small, non-pro versions. Has anyone got one /used one? I seem to remember reading that a couple had tablets (Manfred?) but I'm not sure. I'm looking to give it a try to improve the accuracy and (eventually, once the learning curve has been surmounted) the speed of my processing. The "photo" tablet seems like not too big an outlay.

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    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: To Wacom, or not to Wacom

    My trusty little, old Wacom Bamboo is all that I use for picture processing. Couldn't live without. I'd class it as a 'must have' for the digital darkroom.

  3. #3
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: To Wacom, or not to Wacom

    Yes, I have a couple of them and use them all the time. One is an old Wacom3 that I still use on the desktop and the other is a small Wacom Pro that I got earlier this year to use with the laptop while on the road.

    I've only used the higher end Wacom tablets and can wholeheartedly recommend them. The lower end ones, I have no experience with.

  4. #4
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: To Wacom, or not to Wacom

    Quote Originally Posted by GrumpyDiver View Post
    I've only used the higher end Wacom tablets and can wholeheartedly recommend them. The lower end ones, I have no experience with.
    I think mine was/is as lower end as you can get .... and it's brilliant. Changes your whole approach to post-processing.

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    ionian's Avatar
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    Re: To Wacom, or not to Wacom

    Thanks... If I switch to a large monitor (I usually use a 15" laptop but have a 24" monitor as well) will the small tablet be an issue do you think?

  6. #6
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: To Wacom, or not to Wacom

    My laptop has a 15" screen and my desktop has a 27" screen. I have no issues going between the two.

    In many ways, I prefer a small work surface as much of the work I do in Photoshop with a tablet is highly localized, so I zoom right in. This means small finger motions control the stylus and as Donald has suggested, this lets you work very accurately.

    One bit of a warning though, I found that using a tablet has a significant learning curve and when I first got one, I gave up a number of times and started over. Once I got the hang of it, I loved it. I understand from other users that my experience was quite typical.

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    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: To Wacom, or not to Wacom

    I have a small Wacom tablet that I use. I don't have the space for a larger version. I wish that I did because I often reach the end of the tablet surface and have a bit of a problem. I suspect that this is due to operator error!

  8. #8
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: To Wacom, or not to Wacom

    Quote Originally Posted by rpcrowe View Post
    I have a small Wacom tablet that I use. I don't have the space for a larger version. I wish that I did because I often reach the end of the tablet surface and have a bit of a problem. I suspect that this is due to operator error!
    Tablets have two settings, "mouse" mode and "tablet" mode. If you use the tablet setting, the corners of the tablet correspond the the corners of you computer screen, so you can't run out of space.

    I would suggest you check your settings.

  9. #9
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: To Wacom, or not to Wacom

    Hi Simon,

    Funny you should ask, I bought a little Bamboo two or three years ago and like others, couldn't get used to it, gave up and went back to the mouse.

    Recently, Izzie introduced me to CreativeLive and for $20, they had a course for switching, I have so far watched just the first 3 lessons (of 6) and the overwhelming advice was; switch once - and hide the mouse, remove the batteries, so you cannot easily swap back when in a rush.

    Having seen (in the free lesson) how quick things like brush size and spot healing could be done with a tablet, it convinced me to a) buy the course and b) give my tablet another go.

    This I did about 5 days ago - so far I haven't even used it for PS CC or editing at all, I'm just getting the hang of it on Windows, web browsing, etc. Probably the thing that is most difficult is placing the cursor within a line of previously typed text accurately, no doubt easier with a larger surface, but, I always had my mouse set to race from one side of screens to other within a similar distance on my mouse mat anyway - when anyone else used my computer, it drove them nuts

    The biggest thing I feared I'd miss was the ease of page scrolling with the mouse wheel, but the Bamboo I have does multi-finger 'touch' as well as stylus, so a two finger (not 3 or 1) drag anywhere on the tablet's surface scrolls the active window in most applications.

    I have 23 inch and 18 inch screens (side by side), mapped to the tablet's 7 inch active surface, I am getting used to it is all I'll say - but I have left the mouse switched off for the duration.

    Cheers, Dave

  10. #10
    TheBigE's Avatar
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    Re: To Wacom, or not to Wacom

    I have a Intous Pro Small that I use for photo editing. I asked the same question about a year ago and largely the same response. Now a year after having the Tablet it has been great, and yes the learning curve can be a bit step but once you get the hang of it it is really very easy to use.

    I have a 13" Laptop Monitor and have no real issues with running out of room or mapping. There is a great deal of customization you can do with the tablet, the wheel and the buttons. You can customize these for each program (LR, PS, etc). After using the tablet for a while you will quickly find out how to best customize it for your needs. I think this is one point that is not mentioned very often and needs to be considered.

    I bounce between a trackpad (general browsing and computer work) to mouse (word processing, excel) to Tablet (Photo Editing) and really do not have an issue as each has there certain merits. For me I did not find it useful to go all in and ditch my mouse when I received the Tablet. However, anytime I was doing photo editing I made sure it was next to my computer.

    I still need to optimize it a bit as I find that when dragging sliders in LR with the Pen as soon as I lift up the pen the slider "jumps" a bit. I am sure there is some optimization that needs to be done and I have started working through this very minor issue.

    Good luck

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    Re: To Wacom, or not to Wacom

    I use both a mouse and a tablet, Simon.

    For me, a mouse is preferable for any text based work etc with plenty of straight clicking where a pressure sensitive tablet causes problems. But for fine drawing around selections or selectively editing masks etc there is no real alternative to the fine control which can be achieved with a pen and tablet.

    As an example, try writing your name using a mouse, then do it with a normal writing pen or pencil. That is the difference. But if you never do any fine work with selections and masks, you probably won't need a tablet; although some people still find them more convenient.

    Size is a matter of personal preference. Some people seem to have very fine control over their fingers so they can cover a full screen by simply moving the pen an inch or so; but others, like me, need plenty of distance to 'swing their arms around' and cover more space. I once tried that idea of varying the chosen tablet to screen ratio but I never got on with it. I was always getting confused as to which option was selected and I was continuously wanting to use the other ratio. So I now always go for a straight one to one ratio.

    Currently I have an 8 x 5 inches Wacom Intuos which works fine for me. Before that, I had an old 12 x 12 ins Wacom which I found even better. I have used some of the cheaper alternatives and they worked satisfactorily well, although they all 'died' within a couple of years. But considering the price difference they may still be worth considering.

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    ionian's Avatar
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    Re: To Wacom, or not to Wacom

    Thanks everyone - I'll still use a mouse for the everyday stuff but it's improving the accuracy of selections that I'm particularly interested in. It's on my shopping list...

  13. #13
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: To Wacom, or not to Wacom

    Quote Originally Posted by ionian View Post
    Thanks everyone - I'll still use a mouse for the everyday stuff but it's improving the accuracy of selections that I'm particularly interested in. It's on my shopping list...
    I'm not sure that strategy will work Simon - that's how I failed a few years back.

    In my defence, and the same probably applies to you, I had to use a mouse at work, so chopping and changing daily was unavoidable*.

    Since I have stopped using a mouse altogether (not having to work), my progress at adapting to Wacom, in full time use now, if you don't count use of the track pad on laptop, has been improved considerably.


    * that's also a bit of a cop-out, I probably could have used a tablet on the work PC, if I had tried.

    Yes, I was forgetting some of the mid (rather than small) size tablets also have a wheel.
    Last edited by Dave Humphries; 29th May 2016 at 09:26 PM.

  14. #14
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: To Wacom, or not to Wacom

    Dave - I generally use both mouse and tablet. In fact the Intuos 3 tablets shipped with a mouse that only worked when used with the tablet surface.

    When I edit, I use a combination of keyboard, mouse and tablet, depending on the operation I am doing. Things like selections are usually done with the tablet.

  15. #15
    davidedric's Avatar
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    Re: To Wacom, or not to Wacom

    I also work with a small tablet (in right hand) and mouse in left. The tablet only gets used when photo editing.

    I am another who gave up a couple of times before giving myself a talking to.

    And, like Erik, I have trouble getting a "clean" lift off after moving a slider. Just more practice, or am I missing a trick?


  16. #16
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: To Wacom, or not to Wacom

    Quote Originally Posted by GrumpyDiver View Post
    Dave - I generally use both mouse and tablet. In fact the Intuos 3 tablets shipped with a mouse that only worked when used with the tablet surface.

    When I edit, I use a combination of keyboard, mouse and tablet, depending on the operation I am doing. Things like selections are usually done with the tablet.
    Perhaps this skill will come to me in time

    It seems I am in the minority, perhaps sticking to one thing is only necessary in the training phase for those that might otherwise give up too easily!

  17. #17
    ionian's Avatar
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    Re: To Wacom, or not to Wacom

    I've read that the learning curve is hard (and experience here seems to prove that point) so I'll try to stay patient! As Dave says, I have to use a mouse at work plus I share the laptop at home, so I'll have to use both methods. I should have my own desk-based system when we move in a couple of months so it can wait until then I think.

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    Re: To Wacom, or not to Wacom

    Judging by the replies to this post, this is going to seem blasphemous but having persevered with a tablet for some time I came to the conclusion that I was suffering for he sake of it. I now use a gaming mouse because by reducing the DPI count to slow the curser, I find that I can do most thing accurately in PS. See, told you it was blasphemous.

  19. #19
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: To Wacom, or not to Wacom

    Quote Originally Posted by John 2 View Post
    Judging by the replies to this post,
    Definite blasphemy. That's you scored off the bonus payment list for this year.

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    Re: To Wacom, or not to Wacom

    Bonuses Donald? - Those were the days.

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