She is my granddaughter, Dave -- what do you expect? I can be a darling too (yeah, right!) :D
Thank you so much for your kind words. I am glad you like them...
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Two great moments you have captured there Izzie,
The first works even though we cannot see her face, we can imagine, from the scrunched up shoulders, her expression :)
All the best, Dave
Izzie, first off, Anika (I really like that name by the way) is doing exactly what a granddaughter should be doing, winning the hearts and minds of everyone around her. Sucker bet that she has Papops wrapped all the way around her little, tiny, pinkie.
Anyway maybe it's just me but the color seems a bit off? I can't tell is there some greenish thing going on, skin tones don't look natural, Anika or the old guy either...just saying. Still and all, you just can't lose with pictures of craz adorbs grandkids. Good on you.
Yes, At last! Jack I can rely on you -- the skin colour sucks, even in my one mentioned it. I think everyone is waiting for you to mention it.
When my DIL was pregnant, I told her that she should choose a name that starts with 'A' because I find that people who does have a unique pleasant personality and/or have the smarts. Besides, it is easier with Christmas gifts -- the 'A' logo gifts can go from one member of the family to the other and then they can have a real fight as to who the gift actually belongs to...and I am getting chatty this morning, ignore me...:p When I get annoyed at Anika, I call her Anika Ashlyn...gez! she hates it. And you are right -- that old man is a sucker for his grandchild. Every grandparents are. 3 is a good age, too, chatty, discovering...
Thank you for passing by...Dave H has been too soft on me lately too. :rolleyes: :( I do appreciate your comments.
Great images Izzie, I agree with Jack as well the WB is off - easily fixed though :)
Not much to add, Izzie, except to say I like them.
I missed this thread first round, Izzie. T second one is awesome. Love the comparison of old and young hands. What a cute child.
Thank you for your kind lovely talkative grandchild...she will always be my favourite...very sweet. Tell you what, last day we were there, she came to Bill and my room and she looked at my ring, anniversary ring that Bill bought me for my birthday and wedding anniversary. She touched it and said, Nana when you go to Jesus, promise me this will be mine....what can I say? No??? Go figure...:D She just turned 3years old not even a month when we visited. I can't wait till she's 7 -- she will probably poison me ....:rolleyes: :D
An adorable child and a great moment captured, Izzie. Well done. I look forward to seeing the colour-corrected versions.
Thanks Janis for noticing might take a while before I can colour correct those because I am on a trip right now. I am in Tennessee at the moment and won't be back to Missouri till Monday or Tuesday, stay home for a few days then off again to who knows where...I will have to check our schedule because I need to be in St. Louis' for my quack appointment...must be my travel year this year...
'Appreciate your comments...glad you like them.