Well spotted Ashish.
Great eye! This is a wonderful image but, IMO it could benefit slightly from a crop image left to eliminate everything to image left of the mirrored cabinet doors.
Great catcha, Ashish...you are very observant...love it.
Great pic. Is that a real spider!?
Well spotted. Nice juxtaposition, but why did you title this image "paradox"? I think I must be missing something.
Nicely done.
Hi Ashish,
Didn't I see this image in colour recently?
I prefer this mono version.
I might try a vignette though; just to assist keeping the viewer's gaze within the composition and not drifting out of frame in the few places where there are brighter surfaces adjacent to the edge of the frame.
Well spotted indeed, Dave
This is totally wonderful.
The Buddha and teh woman flanking the picture of Aahnold.
Because the cabinets on either side, especially the one with water, and the desktop are all relatively bright, it is easy for my eye to wander off.
You could darken all of those so while they still seem natural they no longer attract the eye.
Again, quite wonderful picture, surely one to retain for a portfolio.