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Thread: A wet day trip to Cambridge

  1. #21
    arith's Avatar
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    Re: A wet day trip to Cambridge

    Since B+W is the new colour and CA is really easy to deal with:

    A wet day trip to Cambridge

  2. #22
    arith's Avatar
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    Re: A wet day trip to Cambridge

    I've done the chapel again because what you can't see in the first is misaligned tiles and vault. With trial and error I found that PSE cylinder panorama is best and I've manage to hide the mismatch in the ceiling and the tiles now line up but it was murder trying to get it somewhere close to straight. Then I saw a problem in the panelling and thought this is driving me mad, but it turns out the problem is in the original. phew

    Then I looked at the words at the base So I don't know if it was worth the effort and I'm not doing another pano with this lens.

    A wet day trip to Cambridge

  3. #23

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    Re: A wet day trip to Cambridge

    Quote Originally Posted by arith View Post
    I've done the chapel again because what you can't see in the first is misaligned tiles and vault. With trial and error I found that PSE cylinder panorama is best and I've manage to hide the mismatch in the ceiling and the tiles now line up but it was murder trying to get it somewhere close to straight. Then I saw a problem in the panelling and thought this is driving me mad, but it turns out the problem is in the original. phew

    Then I looked at the words at the base So I don't know if it was worth the effort and I'm not doing another pano with this lens.

    A wet day trip to Cambridge
    Radu Dinu

  4. #24

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    Re: A wet day trip to Cambridge

    Quote Originally Posted by arith View Post
    Since B+W is the new colour and CA is really easy to deal with:
    I like more that
    A wet day trip to Cambridge
    Radu Dinu
    Last edited by Dave Humphries; 21st August 2010 at 09:26 AM.

  5. #25

    Re: A wet day trip to Cambridge

    Quote Originally Posted by arith View Post
    I've done the chapel again because what you can't see in the first is misaligned tiles and vault. With trial and error I found that PSE cylinder panorama is best and I've manage to hide the mismatch in the ceiling and the tiles now line up but it was murder trying to get it somewhere close to straight. Then I saw a problem in the panelling and thought this is driving me mad, but it turns out the problem is in the original. phew

    Then I looked at the words at the base So I don't know if it was worth the effort and I'm not doing another pano with this lens.

    A wet day trip to Cambridge

    A much better version, I think, without the edging. I tried lens correction in CS5. It seems to be much better. As I used horizontal correction to correct the skew to the right it seemed to expand the shot to fill the corrected frame. I'm sure it didn't do that before, but just left you with some edge space that you had to crop off. I rotated the whole shot 1 degree CCW first. Can you recall which chapel it is?

    A wet day trip to Cambridge

  6. #26
    arith's Avatar
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    Re: A wet day trip to Cambridge

    Yes that is straighter cheers. It looks like Emmanuel by retracing my route to the 'Round Church' since I had a bite to eat in St Andrew's st first. But I found it hard to find my way around and the college or museum was at a junction of Downing St. cheers

    In fact it was; and they do maths but I didn't have the grades. Maybe if I worked a bit harder or was born later cos you only need A*AA now and that is what you needed to get into Birmingham then or rather an S for special and the equivalent of 27 UCCA points. Still that was a long time ago and now I'm considerably more stupid.
    Last edited by arith; 21st August 2010 at 10:43 AM. Reason: more info

  7. #27

    Re: A wet day trip to Cambridge

    Quote Originally Posted by arith View Post
    In fact it was; and they do maths but I didn't have the grades. Maybe if I worked a bit harder or was born later cos you only need A*AA now and that is what you needed to get into Birmingham then or rather an S for special and the equivalent of 27 UCCA points.
    You did better than I did, Steve. I don't even have maths A level. But that didn't stop me ending up as a software engineer!

  8. #28
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: A wet day trip to Cambridge

    Quote Originally Posted by carregwen View Post
    ~ I don't even have maths A level. But that didn't stop me ending up as a software engineer!
    Well I mean - it's only one's and nought's, how hard can it be (to add those up)

    0 + 0 is 0, 0 + 1 is 1, 1 + 0 is also 1, 1 + 1 is 2, easy!

    PS, you can tell from the unnecessary grocer's apostrophes above that I didn't do well in English!
    Last edited by Dave Humphries; 21st August 2010 at 11:24 AM.

  9. #29
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    Re: A wet day trip to Cambridge

    Most the software engineers I know didn't have mathematics,; it is useful to have mathematics sometimes in that it can seriously reduce the work required of a processor, but mostly not. I can't do that stuff now, I did an OU course in 2004 in C++ but I didn't stay for the whole exam because all I wanted to do was pass it so that my fees were paid (you had to sit the exam to get the fees paid I believed), and messy programming such as programming switches as on a lift just drive me mad. So I answered all the easy questions eg the abstract ones.
    Not like my finals at Birmingham which were 30 hours of public exams over a week including Sunday.

  10. #30
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    Re: A wet day trip to Cambridge

    Quote Originally Posted by Radu Dinu Cordeanu View Post
    I like more that
    A wet day trip to Cambridge
    Radu Dinu
    Very nice, I thought that is what you mean't but I like dark. The sun was blinding since it was raining hard until 1500 and the pic would be better if I chose f16 and exposed for the sun but I thought that I might end up with just black.

  11. #31
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    Re: A wet day trip to Cambridge

    I think I will add a few more since it is raining and I didn't get up until 0930. I'm interested if CS5 could remove the person; I'm virtually blind without my specs and didn't notice the back of somebody behind the pillar. There is a lot of thing I would have liked different, like most of the powerful lights turned off and touristy things hidden, but I'm too shy to ask even when they ask for copies to use because they saw a big camera.
    So can CS5 remove the person ?
    A wet day trip to Cambridge

    A wet day trip to Cambridge

    A wet day trip to Cambridge

  12. #32

    Re: A wet day trip to Cambridge

    Quote Originally Posted by arith View Post
    So can CS5 remove the person ?


    It's trying to do it, but it's a bit smudgy. I think the problem may be that it doesn't have enough pixels to sample from the local area around the figure - it's trying to add an additional pillar base from the one below. If you can post me the RAW I think it might work better as there will be more pixels to sample. SEnd me the link via PM if you want to post it.

  13. #33

    Re: A wet day trip to Cambridge

    Quote Originally Posted by arith View Post
    So can CS5 remove the person ?
    A wet day trip to Cambridge

    Thanks for sending the raw files. Didn't realize the shot was an HDR. I downloaded all of them and ran it through Dynamic Phot HDR. I cropped the output to make it more symetrical. I used lens correction to correct the angle (bought the top nearer the camera plane) In CS5 lens correction you can specify your camera and lens - can you do that in earlier versions?

    As for removing the vicar... I selected his body and 'expanded' (a new CS5 option) to give it some extra space, then used delete with content-aware fill (CAF) selected. It was a bit messy TBH because it was a very tricky replacement. One of the problems with CAF is you can't specify which side of the selection it should predominantly use. In this case I didn't want it to use the left side, which was the pillar. I just wanted it to use the right side with the curtain and floor. So... I had to do some spot healing (which also has CAF) and it seems to have done a reasonable job - or at least, it's better than leaving the vicar there. With an easier selection the repair would be impossible to see, I'm sure.

    A wet day trip to Cambridge

    And a close up of the detail. You can even read the writing on that white stand on top of the card rack - so you must have a steady hand.

    A wet day trip to Cambridge

    I need a glass of wine, or two.... Let me know if you want the file created.

  14. #34
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    Re: A wet day trip to Cambridge

    I'll pay for your wine for that; if anybody didn't notice I'm very wide and sometimes the macro inspired view is right. The 'Round Church' is looking for images, they haven't much money, and I think they would like you representation. The curator I think isn't so much impressed with my effort, but she is nice so I got the best, or near best but I think is the best on the job.

    So give it to her, the address is in you box.

  15. #35
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    Re: A wet day trip to Cambridge

    Yes certainly works Rob, and I've sent it so maybe it will end up in literature at the door, or worse, giant size.

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