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Thread: Software to Create the impression of Height

  1. #1

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    Software to Create the impression of Height

    I'm not sure of the technical word I'm looking for and hence my searches have been sort of unhelpful.

    Is there any software which will process a picture to give the impression it is taken from a greater height than it actually was. I'm looking for a site to take an elevated picture series of a construction about to begin - probably only 10-12 meters above normal ground level - and using it as a basis for locating a mini tower the real pictures will be taken from. I can then try to visualise the finished job

    What's the term and is there software to do it?

  2. #2
    James G's Avatar
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    Re: Software to Create the impression of Height

    Brian, the only thing I can think of at present is based on existing terrain on Google Earth.

    Not sure it will do what you want though!

    There is also this link...

    but I suspect it is extreme overkill and extreme expense!

    As an alternative, do you know anyone with a radio controlled Quadcopter/camera combination? Here in the UK you can buy one for about £150/$220

    You should be able to scan and record the area you are interested in without any difficulty.
    Last edited by James G; 8th June 2016 at 10:40 AM.

  3. #3

    Join Date
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    Re: Software to Create the impression of Height

    Architects, engineers and graphic artists use CAD (computer-aided design) software to create renderings that display projects in the design phase in three-dimensional simulations viewed from any angle including the making of videos that simulate that the viewer is walking around or inside the project such as a building. I've never heard of any software that does that using a photo as the data input but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
    Last edited by Mike Buckley; 8th June 2016 at 01:47 PM.

  4. #4
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Software to Create the impression of Height

    Welcome to CiC Brian.

    The impression of height is very much related to the lens (focal length) you use in taking the image and how you compose the image, it is not as simple as manipulating an image using a software tool. I can't think of any software tool that can do that to an image that has already been taken.

    A basic image editor, like Photoshop can be used to manipulate and enhance the effect by stretching and distorting the image, but only if you already have an image that is composed to give you that effect.

  5. #5

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    Re: Software to Create the impression of Height

    Quote Originally Posted by bjk896 View Post
    I'm not sure of the technical word I'm looking for and hence my searches have been sort of unhelpful.

    Is there any software which will process a picture to give the impression it is taken from a greater height than it actually was. I'm looking for a site to take an elevated picture series of a construction about to begin - probably only 10-12 meters above normal ground level - and using it as a basis for locating a mini tower the real pictures will be taken from. I can then try to visualise the finished job

    What's the term and is there software to do it?
    The term is point of view.
    And as for software? I'd guess there isn't any, not cheap consumer grade anyway. Maybe Industrial Light and Magic, or Disney Studios have software that does what you want, but it's not available at Best-Buy, or Computer World or wherever the Average Joe shops.
    But hardware? Yes. They're called helicopters.
    But unless you're being paid for the photos, the rental fees will seriously deflate your wallet.
    Last edited by RBSinTo; 8th June 2016 at 05:29 PM.

  6. #6
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Software to Create the impression of Height

    I wonder if you could contact a local drone club and get them to fly and photograph for you, either for free or a small charge...

  7. #7

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    Re: Software to Create the impression of Height

    or rent a cherry picker...

  8. #8

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    Re: Software to Create the impression of Height

    Thanks for all that quick thinking and replies and suggestions. At least I now know the term thanks Robert.
    Its was all about being a tad lazy whilst the mini tower was being thought out. What I shall do is actually build it and do the hard yards of putting the camera up there - with quick interogation, ease of downing and recovery capability up front - take a few shots, have a squint and a think, adjust, take a few shots, have a squint and a think and take another shot etc etc until I'm happy. I do have plenty of time. An aside is that there is a model aircraft field next door (3kms) and that option DOES appeal if, as always, someone believes a challenge is present.


  9. #9
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Software to Create the impression of Height

    A long painter's pole with a tripod screw adapter could work...

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