You might want to watch this before you go out and buy CS5!
So, I thought I'd try it for myself. I had 4 shots for a panorama of Swansea SA1 marina. Processed them in CS5 RAW and synchronised them. Out put to PS and photomerged. This was the result.
This, as you are no doubt aware is a problem as the perspective has resulted in the ragged edge, and I really want the edges intelligently filled. I selected the white edges with the magic wand tool, hit the delete key and checked 'content-aware'. It thought about it, laughed at me and tried to tell me I didn't have enough memory. I have 6GB!, so I slapped it, and told it to get on with it. And this was the result.
And after the usual touching-up, I ended up with...
OK, I cropped off a lot of the water it had filled so well, but I left the sky. How do they do that?
"Ah, yes..." I hear you say, "...all very well, but it's not proper photography"