Sam, I like the color version better in my humble opinion. Was you subject facing into the sun when this was taken? She seems to be squinting. Based on the shadow behind her, I answered my own question.
Pretty good conversion.
I agree with Bruce...
I also agree with Bruce, although I like B / W, but it depends often on the image.......
As a portrait, I also prefer the colour but that I guess, wasn't the point of the post. The conversion is a good one , given the contrasty lighting conditions. Full range of tones with detail in the black and the highlights plus the skin tones are just about right as well. Success (IMHO).
I think you've converted it very well Sam - in particular the way you've handled the path and greenery to give it the same tone in the mono conversion. Did you shoot it for a mono conversion? If so, I'd have tried to put the dog in the sun to give contrast between the dark coat and the light path. You could dodge the shadow around the dog slightly, but it's a minor thing.
Please don't think I'm looking for problems Sam - your photography is at a level that I aspire to get to, and when I post my criticisms (to everybody) it's as much an exercise in learning for me as it is anything else. A dog being in a sub-optimal position isn't an error, you need the fates to align for it all to work and it's much less of an issue in the colour version - as you note, it wasn't shot with mono in mind so there was nothing you could do.
Hi Simon - I did not think you were looking for problems. I do in fact enjoy learning things that are not otherwise apparent to me...and I find your detailed comments helpful and thought provoking. So please be as critical as you can because it is helpful. I should be more specific regarding what I need help on but most of the time I honestly do not know. Thanks so much for the complement on general photography skills. I do not think my photos are that good but I'll keep on trying.