Wow! Really nice! It almost looks like one of those flowers made at a bakery from sugar and frosting. The colors look amazing in my opinion.
The composition seems very creative and not at all awkward. I especially like the shadow on the petal as an important part of the composition. I almost always prefer soft light for lighting flowers but this use of hard light is especially attractive.
Hi Brian,
I see why you ask.
I personally feel that about 12-15% off the left hand side would do no harm, since there's really nothing there contributing; plus cropping like that (I feel) places the flower and the shadow better 'on the thirds'.
Otherwise it is very nice for the reasons Mike and Ernie have already stated.
Well done, Dave
Very nice.
I always find that photographing flowers is very problematical but you have succeeded here with a degree of originality which is rare.
Just my take...
Cropping as suggested eliminates the shadow on the left side and that shadow so nicely complements the other shadows to the right. So, I gotta disagree that cropping on the left does no harm.
Yes, it places them on the thirds. In so doing, the image becomes ordinary because the so-called rule of thirds is so overused. Moreover, the somewhat unconventional but absolutely delightful composition commands for me to go against the cropping like that (I feel) places the flower and the shadow better 'on the thirds'.
Thanks for the responses. I like the shot. However as the comments suggest it is a 'hmmmm' shot.