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Thread: Haven't been on in forever!

  1. #1

    Join Date
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    RI, USA

    Haven't been on in forever!

    Hi everyone,
    Not sure how I forgot about this site but used to be addicted and visited often, however, to be honest, did not contribute a whole heck of a lot. But now, I am back

    Here are a few portraits I have taken since.





    C&C would be greatly appreciated.
    Attached Images Attached Images
    Last edited by Dave Humphries; 21st August 2010 at 09:09 AM. Reason: add images in line

  2. #2

    Re: Haven't been on in forever!

    Hi Heather. Welcome back!

    #1 Seems to lack contrast to me. But a good situation with the baby resting in the hands. Needs a less bright blanket though.
    #2 TBH, not keen on 'up' shots. The angles are rarely flattering to the subject. Perhaps a lighter backdrop to give some separation between hair and backdrop?
    #3 I think this is quite funny (sorry if it's not meant to be!) The attitude and pose seem to suggest "I'm only one, and already bored with life!" Nice shot.
    #4 Very nice mother/child study. I like the colours. Nice one.

    Don't go away again or we will send out the CiC recovery squad!

  3. #3

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    Re: Haven't been on in forever!

    Thank you for your comments. #4 was my favorite, but not going to lie, I also really like #3.

  4. #4
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Haven't been on in forever!

    Quote Originally Posted by heather4279 View Post
    Hi everyone,
    Not sure how I forgot about this site but used to be addicted and visited often, however, to be honest, did not contribute a whole heck of a lot. But now, I am back

    Here are a few portraits I have taken since. C&C would be greatly appreciated.
    Welcome back, you disappeared before I joined so this is my first chance to see your work. Did you present the four shots as a series that would be seen as a slideshow? Or was this a transition in color. Either way, the variety in b & w and color is very interesting and should be increased with the number of shots. Now of course we know with labor laws you can only work the child so much so we are willing to be patient.

  5. #5

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    Re: Haven't been on in forever!

    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowman View Post
    Did you present the four shots as a series that would be seen as a slideshow? Or was this a transition in color. Either way, the variety in b & w and color is very interesting and should be increased with the number of shots.
    Wish I was that clever! Just picked four from a session that I did for a friend of mine.

  6. #6
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Haven't been on in forever!

    Hi Heather,

    Welcome back from me too.

    Here's an alternate, personal view; generally I would agree that the subject should be the brightest thing in shot, but all of the first three work for me without that, especially as you have got the exposures right.

    I think they're all good, but might be improved thus.

    #1 needs a reflector behind the subject, out of shot, or another light, to rim light and separate the hair from the background, but don't overdo it

    #2 same advice as #1, I'm happy with the pose give the focus

    #3 I don't think that background works at all, but not sure what would

    #4 Maybe just a tad over exposed (mum's nose?), also might benefit from just a little more fill in shadows - but I am least sure of myself on this one

    Job still going ok?

    Nice to see you back a again,

  7. #7
    arith's Avatar
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    Re: Haven't been on in forever!

    I like #3, looks like a thinker.

  8. #8

    Re: Haven't been on in forever!

    Sorry, Dave. I should have sorted out Heather's posted images. I forgot I could do that now!

  9. #9
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Haven't been on in forever!

    Quote Originally Posted by carregwen View Post
    ~ I forgot I could do that now!
    Exactly, no big deal (genuine friendly smilie)

  10. #10
    Alis's Avatar
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    Re: Haven't been on in forever!

    Welcome back, Heather!

    Number 3 is the best shot here in my opinion. However, I would make it completely black and white and add some contrast to it

  11. #11

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    Re: Haven't been on in forever!

    #3 actually had the same background as the other two and I changed it in post processing for a different look. I did it several different ways and this is the one mom picked.

  12. #12
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Haven't been on in forever!

    Quote Originally Posted by heather4279 View Post
    #3 actually had the same background as the other two and I changed it in post processing for a different look. I did it several different ways and this is the one mom picked.
    Well, "the customer's always right" - that's what they say isn't it?

    Anyway, I just figured out what it is I don't like about the background in #3 - it contains sharp noise type 'detail' that should not, at that distance, be sharp, given the DoF and that it is apparently behind the much softer far edge of sheepskin thing that baby is on. So wiping a blur brush over it would fix that


  13. #13

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    Re: Haven't been on in forever!

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Humphries View Post
    Anyway, I just figured out what it is I don't like about the background in #3 - it contains sharp noise type 'detail' that should not, at that distance, be sharp, given the DoF and that it is apparently behind the much softer far edge of sheepskin thing that baby is on. So wiping a blur brush over it would fix that

    Thanks so much. I will def. take care of that. Knew I came back to this site for a reason.
    Really looking forward to learning from all of you.

  14. #14

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    Re: Haven't been on in forever!

    Hi Heather,

    Remember me

    A big WELCOME BACK from me too -- I'd wondered where you went to! Are you still working for the photo studio? How's your partner, and that baby of yours?

  15. #15

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    Re: Haven't been on in forever!

    Quote Originally Posted by Colin Southern View Post
    Hi Heather,

    Remember me

    A big WELCOME BACK from me too -- I'd wondered where you went to! Are you still working for the photo studio? How's your partner, and that baby of yours?
    I am still there (not sure if I should be inserting a happy or sad emoticon here). I've been doing more work on my own, outside of "the studio" and everyone has been very happy with them thus far. As far as the studio, I recently had an image accepted to be used in national advertising

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