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Thread: Portrait at Sea World Orlando (C&C Welcome Please)

  1. #1

    Portrait at Sea World Orlando (C&C Welcome Please)


    I am relatively new at photography and just learning some of the benefits of Lightroom. This portrait was taken at Sea World Orlando and post processed in Lightroom by myself using some of the presets and other settings available. The photo looks great to me but to you all it may be flawed badly. Please comment and critique as you feel necessary, this will help me understand what may be wrong with my post processing decisions.

    Thank you.
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  2. #2
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Portrait at Sea World Orlando (C&C Welcome Please)

    One comment is to watch out for the background and how it can distract from your main subject. The lighting one your model is pretty bland and I see more pulling my eyes to the background than on the face of subject. On the left, part of the waterfall looks like a bear, the waterfall is gleaming right above her shoulder, and the highlights of the foliage are more gleaming than any portion of your model.

  3. #3

    Re: Portrait at Sea World Orlando (C&C Welcome Please)

    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowman View Post
    One comment is to watch out for the background and how it can distract from your main subject. The lighting one your model is pretty bland and I see more pulling my eyes to the background than on the face of subject. On the left, part of the waterfall looks like a bear, the waterfall is gleaming right above her shoulder, and the highlights of the foliage are more gleaming than any portion of your model.
    Great point! I can see this now that you pointed it out and plan to go back into Lightroom and try to brighten the model a little while darkening some of the background. This is exactly the kind of critique I was looking for.

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