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Thread: Focus Issues Nikon 70-300mm (Am I missing something?)

  1. #1
    TheBigE's Avatar
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    Focus Issues Nikon 70-300mm (Am I missing something?)


    I just purchased used a Nikon 70-300mm VR Lens. When I put it on the camera it is not focusing, nor when I operate the manual focus ring on the lens the "distance" scale does not change nor does the image quality through the OVF.

    I am AF-S single point and trying to put the point over something with a bit of contrast to make sure I am not missing anything. Viewing the focus the image in the OVF also is not smooth and as it grabs focus the image "jumps" as the motor is stuck.

    I guess if I cannot Manual Focus in either A/M or M then I think there is an issue with the focus motor of the camera.

    I have installed other Nikon Lens and Tamron Lens on my Camera and they work fine with the exact same settings.

    This is on a D7200. Thinking I may have a bum purchase. I will contact the seller but want to make sure I am not missing anything simple.


  2. #2
    AlwaysOnAuto's Avatar
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    Re: Focus Issues Nikon 70-300mm (Am I missing something?)

    Have you carefully wiped off the contacts on the lens to make sure it is able to communicate with the camera?

  3. #3
    TheBigE's Avatar
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    Re: Focus Issues Nikon 70-300mm (Am I missing something?)

    Quote Originally Posted by AlwaysOnAuto View Post
    Have you carefully wiped off the contacts on the lens to make sure it is able to communicate with the camera?
    I will give that a try, thanks. I am concerned that the focus ring does not do anything when operated manually.

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    Re: Focus Issues Nikon 70-300mm (Am I missing something?)

    Quote Originally Posted by TheBigE View Post

    I just purchased used a Nikon 70-300mm VR Lens. When I put it on the camera it is not focusing, nor when I operate the manual focus ring on the lens the "distance" scale does not change nor does the image quality through the OVF.

    I am AF-S single point and trying to put the point over something with a bit of contrast to make sure I am not missing anything. Viewing the focus the image in the OVF also is not smooth and as it grabs focus the image "jumps" as the motor is stuck.

    I guess if I cannot Manual Focus in either A/M or M then I think there is an issue with the focus motor of the camera.

    I have installed other Nikon Lens and Tamron Lens on my Camera and they work fine with the exact same settings.

    This is on a D7200. Thinking I may have a bum purchase. I will contact the seller but want to make sure I am not missing anything simple.

    If you can turn the focus ring manual and nothing happens, than I'm afraid.
    Does the rubber slip? Then you think you turn the ring but only the rubber.


  5. #5
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    Re: Focus Issues Nikon 70-300mm (Am I missing something?)

    Quote Originally Posted by george013 View Post
    If you can turn the focus ring manual and nothing happens, than I'm afraid.
    Does the rubber slip? Then you think you turn the ring but only the rubber.

    Yes. So am I....and leave Wednesday for photo workshop. I do not feel any slip on rubber

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    Re: Focus Issues Nikon 70-300mm (Am I missing something?)

    Quote Originally Posted by TheBigE View Post
    I guess if I cannot Manual Focus in either A/M or M then I think there is an issue with the focus motor of the camera.
    I'm not technically or mechanically minded, but an inability to manually focus would make me think the issue is with the lens, not the camera body or the connection between the lens and body. The fact that other lenses work fine on the camera body, that then indicates for me that all of the problems are related to this particular lens, not the camera body or the connection.

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    Re: Focus Issues Nikon 70-300mm (Am I missing something?)

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Buckley View Post
    I'm not technically or mechanically minded, but an inability to manually focus would make me think the issue is with the lens, not the camera body or the connection between the lens and body. The fact that other lenses work fine on the camera body, that then indicates for me that all of the problems are related to this particular lens, not the camera body.
    That is exactly what I am thinking (and I am technically minded). In ability to manual focus has to be with the lens

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    Re: Focus Issues Nikon 70-300mm (Am I missing something?)

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Buckley View Post
    I'm not technically or mechanically minded, but an inability to manually focus would make me think the issue is with the lens, not the camera body or the connection between the lens and body. However, that indication would not eliminate the possibility of additional problems with the camera body or the connection.
    The focus ring is mechanical The lens has a AM/M switch, meaning you can always use the focusring manual.
    Erik, are you sure you use the right ring?


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    Re: Focus Issues Nikon 70-300mm (Am I missing something?)

    Quote Originally Posted by george013 View Post
    The focus ring is mechanical The lens has a AM/M switch, meaning you can always use the focusring manual.
    Erik, are you sure you use the right ring?

    George Fair question and I thought the same thing. I compared lens to my 10-24 Nikon and confirmed it was same ring.

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    Re: Focus Issues Nikon 70-300mm (Am I missing something?)

    If I'm right there're only 2 rings: focal length and distance.
    I wish you good luck.


  11. #11
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Focus Issues Nikon 70-300mm (Am I missing something?)

    Manual focus does not rely on the focus motor at all, so if you are not getting either autofocus or manual focus, you have a defective lens. If neither the manual or automatic focus work, that suggests a damaged or seized focusing helix.

    George makes an interesting point as the elastomer focus grip can stretch out over time, but that would suggest that it has been used a lot, something that strikes me as unlikely, given the way most people focus.

    I would contact the seller right away and return the lens.

  12. #12
    TheBigE's Avatar
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    Re: Focus Issues Nikon 70-300mm (Am I missing something?)

    Yes there are two rings Here is a quick video I shot you can see by rotating the ring in both directions the distance scale never changes. This is also corresponding to what is seen the OVF. No change in focus.

  13. #13
    AlwaysOnAuto's Avatar
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    Re: Focus Issues Nikon 70-300mm (Am I missing something?)

    I just did a check on my D7000 w/18-200 VR lens, and yes, I can change the focus with the focus ring when the camera is set to M and the lens to M also, so, if yours is anything like mine (and I think it is pretty close) I'm afraid you might have a bum lens.

  14. #14
    AlwaysOnAuto's Avatar
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    Re: Focus Issues Nikon 70-300mm (Am I missing something?)

    Just watched your video, looks like your lens focus is toast.

  15. #15
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Focus Issues Nikon 70-300mm (Am I missing something?)

    Hi Erik,

    I have the VR 1 version of this 70-300mm lens - the "VR" letters are red on mine, I believe they should be gold on yours if a VR II model - and that may not behave as mine does.

    On mine; turning the focus ring always* moves the distance scale visible through the adjacent window - even when the lens is not on the camera and also regardless which position the "M/A - M" switch is in. So this test completely removes the issue of camera focus mode, electrical communication, etc.

    * well, except when I get to infinity, or closest, and still keep turning, but reversing direction it starts moving again.

    So if moving the ring does not move the distance scale on your example, it does sound dodgy, but it may not be the motor, more likely the mechanical gearing (not that that helps).

    Sounds like it needs to go back

    HTH, Dave

    PS just seen your video and that ain't right (and it is a VR I lens like mine)

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    Re: Focus Issues Nikon 70-300mm (Am I missing something?)

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Humphries View Post
    Hi Erik,

    I have the VR 1 version of this 70-300mm lens - the "VR" letters are red on mine, I believe they should be gold on yours if a VR II model - and that may not behave as mine does.

    On mine; turning the focus ring always* moves the distance scale visible through the adjacent window - even when the lens is not on the camera and also regardless which position the "M/A - M" switch is in. So this test completely removes the issue of camera focus mode, electrical communication, etc.

    * well, except when I get to infinity, or closest, and still keep turning, but reversing direction it starts moving again.

    So if moving the ring does not move the distance scale on your example, it does sound dodgy, but it may not be the motor, more likely the mechanical gearing (not that that helps).

    Sounds like it needs to go back

    HTH, Dave
    Dave - Mine are red (see video above if you are interested). I think the consensus is the focus is defective and I am not missing anything.

    I have already sent a note to the seller.

    Sadly, this was not a "too good to be true" deal. The price was reasonable and the seller checked out overall (Social Media, response, etc). I am hoping this will be resolved soon. In general I have had good luck purchasing used on the website and this is the first time I have had an issue. At this moment the issue is only with the lens and NOT with the seller. He will have due time to respond and my gut feeling is that this will be resolved.

    Thanks for the input everyone.

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    Re: Focus Issues Nikon 70-300mm (Am I missing something?)

    Quote Originally Posted by TheBigE View Post
    Dave - Mine are red (see video above if you are interested). I think the consensus is the focus is defective and I am not missing anything.

    I have already sent a note to the seller.

    Sadly, this was not a "too good to be true" deal. The price was reasonable and the seller checked out overall (Social Media, response, etc). I am hoping this will be resolved soon. In general I have had good luck purchasing used on the website and this is the first time I have had an issue. At this moment the issue is only with the lens and NOT with the seller. He will have due time to respond and my gut feeling is that this will be resolved.

    Thanks for the input everyone.
    Keep us informed.


  18. #18
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    Re: Focus Issues Nikon 70-300mm (Am I missing something?)

    Quote Originally Posted by george013 View Post
    Keep us informed.

    Will do...probably going to have to order a Tamron 70-300 for my workshop. I can get this on Amazon Prime in a day if needed and cost is low. It will take some time to resolve this issue with the Nikon and likely my plan will be to return the lens to the seller for refund.

  19. #19

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    Re: Focus Issues Nikon 70-300mm (Am I missing something?)

    Depending on your needs, consider renting a lens to have it in time for your workshop and to give you time to find a different used Nikon lens. That model just might be Nikon's best value whether new or used.

  20. #20
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    Re: Focus Issues Nikon 70-300mm (Am I missing something?)

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Buckley View Post
    Depending on your needs, consider renting a lens to have it in time for your workshop and to give you time to find a different used Nikon lens. That model just might be Nikon's best value whether new or used.
    Thanks Mike - Good idea and just place the order for rental.

    Heard back from seller and I am going to return the Lens.

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