We need to see the photos and EXIF data so we can be certain of what you say.
What I
think you're saying is that you have two photos, with same ISO, shutter speed and aperture, but one looks lighter than the other.
This is effectively renders the question of the metering mode used irrelevant.
Question is; was the framing (and hence image content)
exactly identical? (e.g. was it shot from a tripod?)
Also that the light level didn't change momentarily; e.g. was that daylight, artificial or even flash?
Is it possible that this changed between/during exposures, unnoticed by you at the time?
Hence we need to see them both, with embedded EXIF data, so we can satisfy ourselves of some of these factors, at least.
Manfred is suggesting valid reasons why the two metering modes might give different answers, but I'm not sure that's what you're asking.
I have to say I believe I have also seen inexplicable differences in two exposures myself very occasionally.
What camera are you using?
Shooting RAW or jpg?
I could ask more, but the images with EXIF embedded would save a lot of time.
Thanks in advance, Dave