While at the grocery store, I spoke to another employee where I get my vehicle serviced (refer to post #96). When asked about whether he knew when the store opened, he related that he thought that it was sometime in the 1920's. He did state that it was in operation in 1974 because he bought gas there. I need to pin the dates down on when the store was opened, and when it ceased business. This particular source also told me that the store was not owned by anyone else other than the Caldwells. When I obtain either the official name of the business and/or an address that the business used, I will attempt to locate the title or titles of the store. This should answer the question whether the store was founded by someone else other than the Caldwells. In answer to my question regarding the rationale behind the recent repairs, he responded by stating the same thing his fellow co-worker had in post #96. Although I did not share what I learned in post #96, I will now: the repairs were made in order to preserve the store, and for no other reason. This is in line with what Ian related in post #116 in that the repairs were done to weatherproof the store. Coupled with the fact that the other side of the store (refer to photo #9), and the rear were not repaired lead me to believe that this answer is credible. However, this answer conflicts with another reason given on why the recent repairs were made by a source very close to the Caldwell family.
Finally, my source mentioned that I visit another grandson who lives on the road that runs besides the store. He gave me directions to this particular grandsons house. It is not the first time that the name of this grandson has been mentioned to me as a source of information. I am not ready to take this particular path yet.
If I had not met the source in the grocery store this afternoon, I would not have initiated any action regarding securing information on the store today, or even this weekend. I did reflect that what I am giving you on this thread is a story about gathering information for another story. Unless there is some great revelation about the Cadwell store that I have not uncovered yet, it maybe the most interesting thing about this thread is the story about the gathering of information. The actual goal of this thread - to share the history of the Caldwell store - may not be as interesting as the means on how I arrived at that goal. Years ago I heard someone address that the goals in life are not as important as the mission you take to arrive at that goal.
In case you have forgotten me,I am still here. 'Have not been to CiC for a little while because I have been busy and was suffering from camera withdrawal syndrome so I decided to keep busy. I will be in and out and watching this thread with great interest. It seems to me that inch by inch you will get there and discover the background of your story clearing up. It has been a longer than usual journey for you and with Ian (Shreds) joining in we get to know some more of what was done. This place and another one like it will be harder to find than Trevor's old barns...and so I thank you for your patience...
P.S. got my camera back. I will be testing it for the next few days.
Somewhat busy today. Contacted the University of West Georgia. Spoke to a very nice lady in the History Department. I told her the reason for my call, and contact information. She related that she would email all the professors in the department to see if anyone remembers any student doing research on the Caldwell store. She hopes to have some information for me this Friday.
Called the "Southern Historical News, Inc." Spoke to another nice lady. She has not found any reference to the Caldwell store; however she promised to keep looking. She did relate that she is looking for a book on apparently of the history of Carroll Co. This particular book, as of now, has been misplaced.
Also, I contacted the Carroll Co. Library. The library does have the archives of the Times-Georgian" newspaper. Told (another nice lady)-this is the day for nice ladies-that I was seeking information on the period of the 1920's to the 1970's. Was told in effect that this information was on microfiche, and if I came in they would show me how to use the microfiche system. She asked me if I had a library card. Told her that I was a library card member - one in good standing, I might humbly add.
Finally, arrived very late this afternoon at the Senior Citizens Center. In short, I did not meet with my two "operatives" to determine if one or both had gathered information to assist me in my quest - maybe tomorrow.
Bruce ("The Persistent" Sleuth)![]()
You'll get there...we are still watching this thread...
Spoke with my two "operatives" today. One related that she had contacted three people who at one time knew something about the store: however these people could not recall what they knew. I think this sentence, I just wrote, made sense.This operative will keep trying to gain information. The second operative informed me that the Caldwells founded this store, and no other parties owned it previously. He will also attempt to gather more information.
Last evening I emailed the CiC website to a friend (and fellow photographer) of mine who lives in another town in Georgia. After reading the thread, he suggested that I fax the two original photos with my contact information to the Carroll Co. Historical Society as a means of contacting them. I will do this (it is a very good idea) within the next few days.
Bruce (Sleuth)![]()
Izzie, and all the other CiC members for hanging with me on this thread. It keeps me motivated.
Yep, still here...we all are and I speak for them and with them for this time being...
'wishing you all the luck in your search for answers...
Ur audience + Izzie
Today I contacted the U.S. Post Office via phone. Obtained their phone number from the Directory of Assistance. I received an 800 number as opposed to the local (Carrollton Post Office number). The long & short of it was the Post Office could not give me an address for the old country store. I am going to contact the local post office (in person if necessary) to determine if they have an address for said store. If this proves fruitless, I have another trick up my sleeve to obtain an approximate address. This whole exercise was to give the Carroll Co. Clerk's office some information in order to assist me in locating the deeds to the property the store is located on. They wanted either an address and/or a specific name for the business.
Later this day, I was sitting in the pool room (customary place in the afternoon), when I asked one of my pool playing buddies (who happens to be in his eighties) what was the name of the Caldwell store. Without hesitation he replied "Caldwell Grocery". If this turns out to be the official name of this store, I am going to place my name in the "special kind of stupid"category.
Bruce ("Embarrassed" Sleuth)![]()
Keep your fingers crossed that the name of the store is also the name of the business, especially if the person at the Clerk's Office was being precise in explaining the need for the name of the business.
I keep checking intermittently, I am amazed you are still on the trail despite the baffling reluctance of the principals in this story to fill you in on the details. Very perseverant.
Mike, I have a photo shoot tomorrow so I will probably go back to the Carroll Co. Clerk's office on Monday. I am with you in that I sure hope that the official name of this building is "Caldwell Grocery". I really want to see the deeds to that property. As mentioned in yesterday's post I may be able to set up an address parameter if I can obtain the address of the church right across the side road from the store-I use the church's parking lot to park my vehicle when I have taken pictures of the store, and its environs- and then note the address of a residence right past the store, as you head north towards Temple, Ga. This approach may aid the Clerk's office in narrowing down the deeds to the store's property. It is a possibility that the address numbers may have changed in the 40+ years since the store ceased operation. I can almost state with certainty that the store closed sometime in the 1970's.
Trevor, thanks for viewing, and commenting. I believe there are several factors that have led to the slow delivery of the history of this store: my lack of experience - I have never done anything like this before. Secondly, to most of the persons I have used as sources, I am an outsider, and because of this they may view my attempts at seeking information to fulfill some secret agenda that I may have. This is why I am so eager to give anybody at anytime the CiC web address so they can see what I am doing. The people that I have shared this web site with have all responded favorably to it. Unfortunately these persons are not my sources for the information I am trying to gather. Of the two grandchildren I have sent the CiC address to, the first one never got back in touch with me after the initial email from them, the second grandchild informed me that they never received my email in the first place. I would have been willing to resend it; however they told me that they did not want to talk to me any further, Another source who was apparently very close to the Caldwell family filled me in on the family's history; however they do not have a email address. Another possible reason is that a lot of the principals in this saga are now deceased. The last reason is that the only person with "skin in the game" is yours truly. There is nothing to gain by giving me the information I seek. This maybe cynical; however there may be some truth to this point of view.
Finally, I continue to persevere, because of viewers like you.
Bruce ("Persistent" Sleuth)![]()
Last edited by Digital; 19th August 2016 at 01:56 AM.
Here is an update: on Friday I contacted the History Department at the University of West Georgia since I had not heard from my contact there. Since she was not in, I left a message for her to return my call.
On Friday evening I was having dinner at a deli in one of the big chain grocery stores in Carrollton. Was speaking to the manager who I have known for several years. Told him about my quest. He seemed very interested. Supplied him with the CiC website address.
I met with him again today. He had searched the Internet, and found out the year that the Caldwell residence was built-1934 (refer to photo #6)
He gave me the website address that he had used to find this information. It is the Carroll Co. tax office. This information could have been gathered earlier if it was not for my inexperience.I am learning though.
Offered him a job to assist me in this quest, although I could not pay him. Needless to say, he graciously declined.
When I got home, I searched this website for myself. It appears that the Caldwell residence, and store are under one address.
This gives me information to supply the Carroll Co. clerk's office on Monday when I plan to visit them. Also, I now know the current owner of the property. It is one of the sons, and his wife- more on this later.
Bruce ("Inexperienced Sleuth")
You're getting closer and closer!
To all are interested, I would like you to look at photo #2 (page #1), and taking your best guess tell me how wide, and long you think this building is.
I will let you know on a later post why I am asking this question.
Bruce (Sleuth)
I don't know anything about the impact of receding lines of a three-dimensional object displayed in a two-dimensional image but my best guess is about 20' x 30'.
The door is about 16 boards high. I searched for the net size of a board, about 17 cm. So the top of the door is 2.72m. Further to the top 12 boards being 2.04m. Total high 4.76m
Middle of the side is 7cm on my screen, that's as high as the door + 1 board.. The length is about 10.5cm that will be (10.5\7)*2.89=4.34m.
I think.
I agree that as it is in there US, the dimensions will be imperial. So boards I assume are going to be 6" or 7" in width. It is likely that they will have built it with timber/lumber straight off the shelf rather than custom making any particular sizes.
As Grahame says, give us a location and Google Earth is reasonably good at providing dimensions, if you have not got access or cannot get to the location quickly.
(Just spent since Friday working on restoring/repairing a 9th Century rural English church - unravelling the history of that is mind bending but fascinating).
Thank you all for responding to my inquiry. I have heard of Google Earth; however I am not very familiar with it.
The location of the building is on the northeast corner of Highway 113, and McKenzie Bridge Road just outside of Carrollton, Georgia 30117. I hope this helps.