To the original Bruce, the Sleuth one -- just letting you know that despite my recent health scare, I was following this thread right from the beginning. I am still here and so are your posts regarding your findings. Hopefully, you will get to the end of your search, without question you will, so you can start another sleuthing project. I admire your dedication. Hang in there!
Last night I discussed a title search with the pool playing attorney. I gave him a copy of the Caldwell deed, and requested an estimate of how much it would cost to due a particular search on when J.F. McKenzie purchased the land that the structure in 1920 was built on. He gave me an estimate which, as far as attorney fees go, I thought was reasonable. Unfortunately, my budget at the present time will not support this cost.
My plan is to return to the Carroll County Clerk's office to do my own title search. I plan to return to the Clerk's office within the next week.
In regards to the newspaper archives, I have additional time on my hands in that the pool room at the Carrollton Senior Citizens Center is temporarily closed starting today through Monday. The purpose is to wax the floors. As a result I hope to continue my search in the newspaper archives that, as stated previously, are housed at the Carroll County Library.
As you all have probably figured out by now, being a "sleuth" is only part time.![]()
Bruce ("Determined" Sleuth)
Last edited by Digital; 13th October 2016 at 01:49 AM.
Wanted to let you all know that I have not forgotten you all nor have I abandoned my research. To be quite honest I have taken a break, and I think it has resulted in an increased determination to continue this quest.
As of now, Ralph (not his real name) continues to have medical issues within his family; however they maybe becoming less of an issue. I may request or in better terms beg him to ask his brother-in-law (Caldwell's grandson) to answer the following questions: when did his grandfather's store began operation, and when did the business close, and does he know if there was some type of retail establishment on the site prior to his grandparents opening a store under their ownership.
If I can get answers to these questions, it will go a long way in concluding my research. By keeping the questions, to a minimum, I am hoping that the grandson will be more responsive to giving me an answer to these three questions.
Am still planning to return to the Carroll County Clerk's office to try to find more information on the property when J.F. McKenzie owned it.
Regarding the newspaper archives, although I told you all that I plan to return I will try to avoid that particular route IF I can get a satisfactory response from the grandson.
As soon as I can "beg" Ralph for his assistance, I will let you all know.
Hint: If the powers to be allow me to write another historical narrative about my adopted hometown, I will "sleuth" out another action packed, fun filled story for you. I already have the initial photos for this story, and it promises not to have the difficulties I have encountered on this thread.
Thank you for bearing with me on this one.
Bruce ("back on the case" Sleuth)
I have not seen Ralph since my last post. When I do see him I am planning to request or beg him to see if his brother-in-law will answer my 3 questions - refer to post #205. As soon as I talk to Ralph, I will inform you all.
Bruce ('still on case" Sleuth)![]()
We are still waiting and following up on this thread...take your time..
Wanted to let you all know that I did not see Ralph today-he was not at the Center. I, unless there is a breaking development, will not post again until after I have requested (or begged or threatened) to Ralph that he pose my 3 questions to his brother-in-law. I feel very strongly about this modus operandi (method of operation), and believe it will work.
Bruce ("very determined" Sleuth)
If you ultimately decide upon threatening, be sure to let me know in advance where to bail you out of jail.If you think the more than 4000 people who have opened this thread is a lot, just imagine how many people will read the thread explaining how I got you out of jail.
Last edited by Mike Buckley; 1st November 2016 at 04:44 AM.
Mike, you bring up an interesting point in your post: however I must take issue with it.
Us old folks do not have the energy to "threaten" anyone by physical violence, or anything else that may land us in trouble with the law.
It is more like if Ralph refuses my request I may give him a "dirty look, or refuse to be his pool playing partner for one game, or not talk to him for all of 10 seconds. We have an unwritten code among us old pool players, and unfortunately it is one that must remain secret. However I can share this with you: the essence of the code is to stay out of jail at all costs.
The company is not really conducive to clean living (whatever that means), the food is not all that good (I think), the bed is not as comfortable as your own (on the other hand, it may be), and finally the most important point is that while you are incarcerated you may encounter old (age wise) employees of the legal, and/or justice system that are pool players who will never let you forget that you violated the "secret" code.
To address your kind offer to bail me out of jail, I say to you, that is kind of you.
Now, for all you all that are wondering if I made up all the above remarks, I say: "wonder away".
Note: I would never really threaten Ralph, I am such a nice old man (so says me).
As promised, I am posting this evening since I spoke to Ralph today. For Mike's benefit I politely asked Ralph if he would ask his brother-in-law (Caldwell's grandson) my 3 questions (refer to post #205). Ralph, to his credit, readily agreed. He did inform me, in essence, that there was no retail establishment at that location prior to the Caldwell store. This brings up a question of what the structure was used for from circa 1920 (when it was constructed) to circa 1942 when the Caldwell store became operational. If there was no retail establishment in this structure during this time, my research will not delve back any further than circa 1942.
I will probably not see Ralph until next week at the earliest. Hoping that he can supply me with the dates I have requested.
As soon as I obtain the dates, I will inform you that I have received them.
Once I have received information on when the Caldwell store became operational, and when the store ceased operation, I will have received enough information to give you all an accurate history of the Caldwell store.
Am very anxious to wrap up this thread, and move on to another topic that I mentioned in post #205.
Bruce (Sleuth)
I am new to these forums and have just spent half of the morning reading this thread from the beginning.
Can't wait to read more updates.
A real quick update: I have seen Ralph several times lately; however he has not talked to his brother-in-law (Caldwell's grandson) to pose the question to him about when the Caldwell store began operation, and when it ceased as a retail establishment.
My silence on this thread should not be interpreted as meaning that I have given upon this story. By no means is this the case.
My promise to you is that I will eventually conclude this story.
Bruce (Still the Sleuth)
After posting last time (22nd Aug), I had a serious accident and am just getting back to areas that I left off at that time, before spending weeks in hospital recovering. Luckily a full recovery!
Having read the ensuing posts, I remain intrigued over the story and keenly await the conclusion.
Don't give up, the story has been long and fascinating so far.