Nicely captured and processed and nice idea about the thread.
The lead in lines on this are really good and focus attention on the building as do the backs of the couple in front.
Ideally the building creeping in from the left would be better excluded though?
Like the processing and contrasts inherent in the buildings trees and sky.
Really like the processing on this one John.
Interesting image, nice processing..
Thanks for the comments all.
Ian it's the War memorial and I agree but I had to compromise in order to frame the gateway with some space and retain the symmetry of the gateposts and the cobbles.
This will be an interesting thread, John...Good idea!
Thanks Izzie. No one else tempted to join in?
John and Dave...I thought about joining in with the Gateway Arch and then Bill came up with the idea of going to Jefferson City to take a shot of the war memorial there (Independence Day)...guess what? It rained. I will go out Wednesday and join in by then. I may find something/somewhere along the way that will be interesting. Some folks like me are a bit slow...sorry...My Gateway Arch shots are about 4 years old, not current anymore.
P.S. I still think your topic is a good idea...just don't know how I can help you encourage others to participate.
Ok, give it a try.
One can observe a city in different ways. I mostly distinguish between street level,water level and roof level. Most pictures are street level.
One from the waterlevel. One of the entrance gates from the harbour to the canals.
D300, 18-200 at 135, 1/160 f11
And one from the roof level. The Westerkerk. The most famous tower in Holland.
D700 28-70 at 50 1/1000 f8
San Diego County is greatly influenced by the Pacific Ocean at its western border...
San Diego Bay is one of the best natural harbors in the world and is also quite lovely...
We are fortunate in having a wide range of cultures living within the County. Each group has its own festival...
Among these are Italian...
And a variety of Asian...
and Pacific Island cultures...
This is a great place to live and a wonderful place for a photographer because of the variety of venues in which to shoot...
BTW: I took poetic license... The photographers at the zoo were not photographing the Giant Panda when I shot their image...
Last edited by rpcrowe; 5th July 2016 at 05:05 PM.
My life is half spent in London, and the other half in the Kent countryside.
My work is in South-East London; here is a view of Canary Wharf, the London Financial district, taken from the mouth of Deptford Creek, showing the new footbridge in the foreground. This is my lunchtime view:
And this is home. There's not much here except fields, and this year, lots of wild flowers. It may be quiet but it suits me perfectly.
Very good idea and very well begun....nice images which followed; hope i can join soon with some images
Hard to say if the tower image is leaning to the right. I must say, me being the photographer, it wouldn't be level.
Open the picture in light box, move the vertical tower to the right side. It looks leaning to the right. Now move the roof of the church to the top, and then it looks leaning to the left.
The tower itself isn't straight anymore. Nearly 400 years old, builded on soft ground.
A couple of years ago we spent two weeks in Amsterdam. We stayed in an old house in a busy square. One side of the house had sunk so much that it was like walking up a steep hill to get from one side of the room to the other. Any Amsterdam resident can be excused for getting a picture crooked. Nevertheless, the tower in George's picture looks pretty straight to me.
George's tower does look crooked to me, by eye at full size, however; the lower two stages look vertical, compared to the edge of monitor frame in LyteBox, while the two levels above that increasingly seem to lean more to the right.
Might be severe pincushion distortion, or perhaps more likely; it really is that way, given the age and state of soil and foundations.
By the way, this place (in Windsor) is currently for sale (only 1.5 million GBP)
A bit of history on Wikipedia
Cheers, Dave
Last edited by Dave Humphries; 8th July 2016 at 08:49 AM.