A bit better Lindsay...especially in the grass area, the foreground.
I saw Izzie's comment about he blue tint and spent several minutes looking for it before noticing that you had edited it. 😕. Looks good now!
Yes that is a lot better.
Birds on Canal Week
This week the bird life in my backyard has been frantic, there has been a lot of small fish for them to chase. The small black cormorants fly low over the water in flocks of several hundred, although I have difficulty counting. They are followed by several pelicans and the inevitable sea gull, all hoping to steal some fish from the cormorants. I took a few hundred shots on high speed continuous and have spent several hours thinning them out. I have included a series as I wanted to give people feel for the scene.
# 1 View up Canal with Pelican in Flight, 18 July 12.08 pm, ISO 100, 110 mm, f/5.6, 1/1000 s
#2 Small Black Cormorants and Some Pelicans, 18 July 3.46 pm, ISO 250, 110 mm, f/5.6, 1/1000 s
#3 Five Pelicans and a Gull, 18 July 12.02 pm, ISO 140, 110 mm, f/6.3, 1/1000 s
#4 Two Pelicans a bit closer, 18 July 11.58 am, ISO 400, 110 mm, f/9, 1/1000 s
Now I am more envious of your backyard...Imagine bird life and human life living in harmony with one another. My favourite place is in Geraldton or Cararang (around that area). A good while back, I said when I finally retired, I want to live there. Geraldton suits my temperament more because it is a less populated area (at the time) with one street coming in and going out. Anyway, I am waffling again, I am sorry...
I enjoyed viewing your images...and your commentary too. Bugger if I can find a favourite amongst these!!!
Beautiful! What good fortune to have this literally in your backyard!
Great images
Thanks for your appreciative comments, Izzie, yes it is really a very nice back yard and we spend most of our time at home on our back patio. We also have dolphins swimming by fairly often, I have not managed to get any good pics of them yet.
Yes the towns you mentioned are beautiful and peaceful. Cheers...Lindsay
Hi All, I have not posted for a few weeks as I have been a bit preoccupied. We have been invited to a wedding in Greece with very short notice. I am hoping to get some good photos when we are there and will post some. Also we will be visiting our son in Romania and hope to be able to get some nice shots while we are there. Look forward to a few in the next month or so. Cheers... Lindsay
Nice compositions and exposures Lindsay The ceiling looks a bit distracting in the second image ,if the image was mine I would crop it but leave the red banding in the frame. In addition, to balance the frame , I would also crop from the RHS a bit.
Hi Lindsay,
My apologies for not commenting here for a while
In your 'Birds on a Canal' week, my observation is that they are all a bit over exposed for the subjects, those small white areas of bird within the overall frame, blow out all too easily - as I know from my own experience shooting birds. I'd advise a bit of -EC next time.
I was particularly impressed by the framing, timing and shutter speed choice in the "Waiting for the Metro" shot, but the other two shots are also interesting.
I agree with Binnur that a small crop from the top might improve it further.
If, of week 36 images, I were to suggest cropping the right hand side of any, it would be the last shot, not the metro one.
HTH, Dave
Hi and thankyou Binnur. I agree the ceiling should be cropped. I was a bit too focused on getting rid of some platform at the bottom, sorting the exposure a bit and getting used to organising photos on my iPad. I have done on the iPad before but forget from one trip to the next.
We got a message from some Turkish friends from home yesterday to say they were in Thessalinki, here, at the same time as us. They are heading over to Turkey today on the ferry.
Thankyou Dave, it is always good to here from you. Anyway, as I said I have missed a few weeks anyway.
Yes, I had another look at the birds and agree, they did seem to pick the time of the day with the most glare on the water.
Good suggestion with the third shot, I'Ve had a look and cropping from the right brings the mural in as a much more obvious focal point. Cheers....Lindsay
Great shots Lindsay. The metro shot is brilliant!
So nice Lindsay. Well done.