Originally Posted by
I was just explaining what I meant by "match"!
Are we saying that a 'just noticeable difference' can not be measured without the use of a colorimeter?
Are we indeed saying that one could
not just take a shot of the screen showing 'pure' R,G and B and see if the captured image data hues match the published primaries?
Ted - Having worked in the garment industry (a long time ago - I left that industry in 1988), I understand some of the manufacturing issues.
The receiving department would send samples of received goods to the Quality Control group and they would do a visual check using a standard D65 illuminant using a MacBeth colour booth using a set of GO / NO GO sample gauges. If the sample looked like it might be out of spec, the colorimeter would be used to for the final test to accept or reject the shipment.
That might have taken care of the spec, but when dealing colours and people actually buying these garments, metamerism was also an issue. Stores and people shopping don't really care how close the colours are under a standard illuminant. They make their buying decisions based on the in-store lighting, which as you can probably guess is highly variable.