You rock
Aren't you glad you didn't? Nicely captured.
Are you shooting Raw? In which case the jpeg associated with the image may be black and white (or, indeed, any of the in-camera settings) but unless you import the image with these settings applied, the raw file will contain all data (and therefore be in colour).
I prefer to do my b&w conversions in post, because I can get exactly the look I want that way, so this works well for me.
Red is such a tricky colour...this 'fluke' delivers it well and with tenderness..
To me, that image is poetry.
Brian, a beautiful rose and despite the accidental nature of the shot, beautifully presented.
+1 to Urban's comment... poetry in light.
I have never has any of my shots described as poetry. This is an unexpected pleasure. I can't promise to always reach this standard but I feel that now i am moving along the right path. thanks to everyone who has helped me along the way.
A very nice red rose