Continuing last weekend's theme we walked a different wild area close to home. If I were to say I have any sort of plan in this summer's photographic jaunts, it would be the exploitation of local parks within a half hour of home.
Crow-Hassan is one of a series of park reserves within the 7 county metropolitan area of Minneapolis/St. Paul that offer a range of outdoor activities. Crow-Hassan is about 3 miles as the crow flies from home. It is likely the least developed unit of the series, which suits me just fine
The prairie here is still rooted in sandy soils, but the organic matter content is much higher than Uncas Dunes. The vegetation is lusher, a classic example of tallgrass prairie. The casual observer will note nothing more than an overgrown field.
Closer observation yields an amazing diversity of forbs....look that one up, Izzie...., the tallgrass prairie is one of the highest biomass producers on the planet. The grasses that you see will soon reach up to 6' in height, the roots reach 20' in depth.
Front to back: the bright orange of Butterfly-Weed, scattered yellow of Black-eyed Susan, white speckling of Allysum, about 3/4 of the way up the frame is a lavender hued patch of Lead-Plant.
Birds are heard all over, but a challenge to photograph. I was too late in the season to see the Blue Bird family here. We saw Bald eagle, an assortment of sparrows, Bobolink. Met a couple birders, asked about their day, they were excited to report a common loon in one of the lakes. I really must make the effort to try to capture the birds here.
Caught these though
There are a variety of coneflowers blooming currently:
Black-eyed Susan
Grey-Headed Coneflower
Purple Coneflower
****Caution****Trivia Ahead****
The showy parts are a ruse, the actual flowers are tiny and are arranged in the perfect geometric conformation for packing seeds in the cone, in two opposing arcs set at 137.5 degrees. Ain't Nature cool!!
Mints make another popular class of flowers in a prairie and attract numerous pollinators
Tiny little Skipper on raspberry leaf
Legumes are another plant that make up the prairie, enriching the soil
Purple Prairie Clover
On another front.....Bailey the Brave has just turned two, last weekend he observed a friendly Lab playing fetch in the water. I could literally see the wheels turning in his head.
Bailey, on the cusp of his first swim...should I or shouldn't I?