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Thread: First unscrew my head . . . Hoverfly photo

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    South Devon, UK

    First unscrew my head . . . Hoverfly photo

    First unscrew my head . . . Hoverfly photo

    This hoverfly (Eristalis arbustorum) is having a really good wash. But I've never seen one taking this much trouble to wash his neck before.

  2. #2
    PopsPhotos's Avatar
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    Re: First unscrew my head . . . Hoverfly photo

    That is interesting. I've never yet been able to get a shot of one sitting still. I did get a picture of one hovering, but it took a lot of shots to get it.

    When they get covered in pollen, they will stop and scrape it all off to eat. However, the ones around here all do their ablutions on the underside of leaves.


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