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15th July 2016, 12:24 AM
Taken a few weeks ago at Edward's Gardens here in Toronto.
The park contains a large population of birds and small forest creatures including Groundhogs, that have become so used to the presence of humans that they will walk up to visitors, beg for food and even allow themselves to be touched.
On this particular day, a large family came upon a Groundhog, and as the children gave it peanuts, they hovered around it and the bravest two dared to pet it.
And I got this shot.
Cosina Voigtlander R2S Bessa rangefinder
Nikon 35 1.8 in Nikon s mount manual focus
Fuji 100 ISO colour slide
about f4 @ 1/1000th
15th July 2016, 04:04 AM
Re: Groundhog
I still shoot quite a bit of film but mostly larger format B&W. There just isn't anything else like it and no matter what digital processing program you use, it will never take the place of watching a print emerge in the developer...Never, never, never.
15th July 2016, 08:09 AM
Re: Groundhog
Robert, you timed the shot perfectly. I like how the children form a nice triangle pointing down to the Groundhog. You even captured one of the children taking a cell phone pic. Well done.
15th July 2016, 08:53 AM
15th July 2016, 09:16 AM
Re: Groundhog
Thanks guys for the comments.
I only shoot film, and don't even own a digital camera.
But all I shoot is colour slide.
You are the third person to comment on the young boy taking a shot with his cellphone.
That particular aspect of the shot really didn't register with me simply because most people today can't do anything or go anywhere without a cellphone in their hand, so naturally even a child carries one.
15th July 2016, 10:54 AM
Re: Groundhog
Robert, I agree; the cellphone is ubiquitous. It's just the reality of today, but it's the other factors that make your shot, not just the boy with the phone.
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