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This is wonderful. I am taking it all on board, please be assured and you are causing me to re-visit, again, my shopping list. I know people have different ideas about how to go here and I know that at the end of the day, I have to make a clear decision that I think is right for me.
One of those 'dilemmas' has been picked up by Manfred in suggesting going the TT1 and TT5 route rather than the Plus III route with radio triggers. This is one I have spent hours over and is part of the reason I think I woke at 5am this morning and couldn't get back to sleep. I think if I am making this sort of investment then, I should go the whole way and opt for the Mini's, even though that puts the cost up quite a bit. I know that, further down the line, I'd probably regret going for the Plus III's on the grounds of cost.
Richard keeps making me question myself on that major decision of which way to go re heads.
And thank you, Terry. That was very helpful in terms of me getting a better understanding about backgrounds. And, yes, I have sandbags on the list!